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  • jaydee replied to the topic property investing,help needed in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    thanks sue for your hubby wanted to save tax but now wants to create wealth.he is also more hesitant than i am about making decisions wher as i say give it a go.he is concerned that we could buy a renovator and go to sell it and not make our money back because of the market.he says people are starting to worry about interest rates and…[Read more]

  • jaydee replied to the topic property investing,help needed in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    thanks marc,
    i can see light at the end of the tunnel brain is ticking over with some new hubby hates it when i get new ideas because anything is possible.i like taking chances they are a new challenge for me.we have had a depreciation scedule done on ip but i didnt relise we could get it back in my hubbys pay packet. thank u so…[Read more]

  • jaydee replied to the topic property investing,help needed in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    sorry to confuse you.i am not sure which way to go with making investing work.we can afford ip but i feel we r putting to much into it and the reason why i said do we sell our own home is to get some money behind us to be able to positive gear and buy more does anyone afford to keep buying houses unless they have alot of cash behind…[Read more]

  • jaydee replied to the topic Advice for selling one of my investment properties in the forum No Subject 18 years ago

    hi,could u sell the place u r in and rent a house?that way u could refinance the investment property and have cheaper repayments. could u put the rent up?may be wait a while to sell until market is better.i am in a similar situation at moment.but i am hanging in for a while before i sell up.


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