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  • Profile photo of javidanjavidan
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5
    mattsta wrote:
    agree that singapore is a very tiny country.

    Since apartments are probably what foreigners like Aussies are going to buy, just wanted to know if Singapore apartments tend to have strata title on them?

    Hi mattsta,

    Could you go into a bit more detail as to what you are trying to find out about strata? Ownership responsibilities or fees or?

    I agree with Ziv, a short answer to your short question would definitely be "Yes"

    Profile photo of javidanjavidan
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5
    Richard Davies wrote:
    This leads me to the question regarding Singapore; are there areas there which the government are looking to expanding, or are they simply looking to add more high rises to provide shelter for their folk and the many internationals?

    Hi Richard,

    To give yourself a better idea. Singapore is an EXTREMELY tiny island only over 40 km east west and 36 km north to south.

    If you took up the entire island and threw it into Victoria, you would lose it.

    And this tiny island is already currently housing over 5.5 million people.
    In other words, Singapore actually does not physically have land to expand. A lot of the developments are older buildings which are less than 40 years old which have been torn down to pave way for newer and higher buildings.
    There is only some land left in the country but the government hasn’t revealed what they intend to do with it yet.

    They do release new land parcels but this is in the domain of big time developers who have a cozy relationship with the ruling party. And the money we are talking about is in hundreds of millions.

    As a foreigner, you would not be able to own any land there anyway so you are probably looking at private apartments littered around the country.

    Profile photo of javidanjavidan
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5
    jayhinrichs wrote:
    Even the big hedge fund players coming into the market right now,,, talk about 7 to 8% nets. and these are Harvard educated multi billion dollar players that have fully analyzed the market,,, How some johnny come lately turn key resller wholesaler can post a flyer on the web and claim double those figures is just again wishful thinking and those that are more greedy or risk adverse or nieve chase those deals. JLH

    Man, these funds are the guys who were the other half that caused the crisis. The banks are only half of the story. [Unfortunately, all the high finance guys were the ones who made the musical chairs. Charged everyone big bucks to dance around and they didn't have to participate whilst watching from their yachts.]
    At 7% and their robbery 2/20 rates…I am asking myself, just who is the sucker big backer feeding them with all that capital?

    Profile photo of javidanjavidan
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5
    zmagen wrote:
    Alex SC wrote:
    At some point the USA Government will support the little  investor or smaller investment companies .  Who do things ethically and honestly and see there is a need for this type of service. 

    Seems every one is just looking for the quick fix with out looking at the long term affects this could have.

    That's very true – I'm just wondering why you think the government is any different in that regard?

    Hi Ziv,

    Japan may finally be waking up now after 23 years of collapse.

    Goldman investing in Japan property. :)

    Hedge funds/Investment Banks/Hot money has to flow somewhere…

    Profile photo of javidanjavidan
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 5


    Actually the biggest reason why this sort of problem exists is due to the “Wall Street” issue.

    By and large, most hedge funds or whatever funds do absolutely nothing for their investing clients and burn through money like a hot knife+butter.

    Even after the disaster of a financial crisis, nothing has essentially changed. We are still looking at 2/20 managers as the “typical setup” and banks which can lose 2 to 4 billion dollars “hedging” their risks. (Imagine if reducing your risks allows you to lose 4 billion dollars, what would not doing so create? *laugh*)

    Alex, in specific response to your concern about how they can destroy markets, your worries are very real and worth spending some time thinking about. You see, hedge funds are not interested in long term.

    You have some “legendary hedge fund” manager types who are regarded as heroes when all they did was create doomed products which they then subsequently shorted. Made them tens of billions within a year. What have they actually done for society? nothing except destroyed the value of such a fantastic country…years of value wiped out.

    I’m not going to be an angel here to claim that I would totally refuse this lifetime deal. 1 year of tens of billions of returns, why would I care about 50 years down the road? I am set for life…(and several future generations if you were the type who desired a dynasty.)

    All they want to do is, within 3 years deliver the best possible returns, create a bang. Star player on MorningStar or

      Make their billions and subsequently lose it all later. (But it’s not their money they’re rolling in the casino anyway)

      It’s worth being concerned about it.

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