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  • Land subdivision is a bit like helping Mom slice up her beautiful Apple Pie; it's all so easy, when, like Mom, you've done it a few times. So let's see if we can get the ingredients for a land subdivision correct so you can do it right first time, OK? Every city or town in the free world has a Town Plan and it comprises, not surprisingly, of plans or maps, usually with lots of different colors all over them, but also lots of words explaining what the colors mean as well as lots of Rules that tell you what you can do with land. The colors indicate different zonings that your elected Council has decided upon. So say, Residential housing may be Yellow; high density housing like units, condos may be Pink; and industrial Orange, whatever. So you can see at a glance how the town plan is subdivided into land use categories. Just as you can't build a house anywhere you like, you can't have a farm or a factory in the middle of a residential area either. So the first thing you must do is find out what is the 'Zoning' of the land you own or are thinking of buying. Getting land Rezoned is another issue altogether. Let's assume your land is zoned for residential housing. The Town Plan will tell you all the requirements you have to undertake for land subdivision. It will tell you the minimum Lot size allowed in a residential subdivision. It will tell you the distance in feet or metres you have to Set-Back each lot from the road, either internal and/or external, as well as the side boundaries of your land. Now all that seems a bit complicated, but don't worry, there are professional land subdivision experts who will do all this work for you. Depending in what part of the world you come from, you will engage either an Engineer in the USA or a Land Surveyor in Australia, New Zealand, UK or Ireland to prepare you land subdivision plan. Always engage one who does their main work in your area, because these are the professional where local knowledge is very important. They will know about soil conditions in your area, because they may have done several land subdivisions in the area already and completed soil testing. They will also know about the provision of utilities like water supply, electricity, gas, telephone. All of these impact on the cost of your development. For example, if water reticulation is not available on your road frontage and the nearest water supply is a mile away, then you may have to pay for the cost of piping water that distance. It is vital you know this information before you commit yourself to land subdivision costs and so the Engineer or Land Surveyor are very important not only at your investigation stage, but also when you proceed with the land subdivision planning application preparation and lodgment with your Local Authority. These guys will do all that work for you. So what does all that add up to? Yes, you should go the Local Authority in your area of the world that handles Town Planning and study their Town Plan. You may even be able to get a photo copy of that area of the plan that concerns your land. Read the local By-Laws about the type of land subdivision you plan to do. <moderator: delete adveritisng> Do they 'talk down' to you and treat you as though you're a mug? Are they information givers? Do they explain things to you? What land subdivision are they currently working on? Where is their most recently completed land subdivision? You don't have the expertise in the profession, so use you own instincts. When you find one that suits you, Do Not start off your relationship, by attempting to haggle over the professional fees he proposed to charge you. If you have interviewed several professional you will know the range of fees charged, BUT you do not know the extent or range of work the firm has to carry out. Best, Jason

    i am looking at the usa stock market… this point in time the aud / usd currency pair, the usa stock market, gold and silver are linked…..they all go up together and they all go down together

    the past few days, the usa stock market fell from 11490 to 11000 and so did the rest above…..yesterday the usa stock market made a turn around and went from 11050 to 11200…and so did the rest..they all followed and went up…

    as these are all linked at this point in time, we watch the usa stock market….we want it to go UP

    this linkage may change in the future….but for now all these above are linked.

    an easy way to check in the morning in australia what happened in the USA is to check this page:

    on the left you will see:


    you want DOW > 11000…..and going up past 11400

    things look to be turning…lets see what happens tonight in the US!

    as you keep watching each day you’ll learn more

    he does 2 videos a day….one on metals and one on the markets:

    just subscribe to his channel and you’ll see em pop each day

    the experts are buying silver….the ones that know what they are talking about….

    what is your risk in buying silver?

    if you buy 10,000 worth of it, whats the VERY worst that could happen?

    you lose 50%-70%?….but what is the likleyhood of that happening? it could happen…but these experts keep saying they are not selling…if it falls they will but more

    silver ran up to $21 and then fell to $8 in the crash of ’08

    if there is another crash the same or worse may happen

    the upside potential of silver is anywhere between $100 to $1000 oz ACCORDING to these experts….

    you have to look at it logically, not emotionally

    are you prepared to make the bet?…based on the evidence…

    how would you feel if you lost say 7,000 in the event silver crashed again? .but these experts keep saying they are not selling…if it falls they will but more….

    etc etc etc…..

    at the present moment, silver has gone up in a straight line from $20 to now $28

    it finally comes down to your own call….

    when silver was $10 after it had crashed to $8, my thought was this:

    silver might go down but it could go up and I may miss it….

    if i buy now at $10, i’ll get in incase i miss the boat, but if falls even more, i’ll buy more

    but if i don’t buy, i may miss it completely

    silver then began to climb steadily to $20, at which point it began to climb the staircase one step at a time

    now it’s $28…close to 3 times the entry price…

    where to from here? we’ll see



    no need to spend a fortune to do an over-priced seminar!

    You need to GET educated….how much do you really think you will learn in a forum?

    you need to get professional help…

    if you’re niche is property development, then you need to speak to and learn from and be mentored by someone in the business and someone who is willing to teach you the ins and outs…

    go to this website and read all of the free information you find written solely by an AUSTRALIAN property developer with $1.2Billion worth of property development in OZ

    Then after reading and emailing him you will see how much you will learn from the RIGHT person. Then if you are ready, you can take the next step

    Here is the link:

    with the right knowledge will you only succeed,


    have you contacted a quantity surveyor to get costs…instead of using this broker?

    i would definitely get someone else…

    i would not use a broker like this find a builder

    what size development are you talking about?

    The Commissioner for Fair Trading can take disciplinary action against licensees and certificate of registration holders, and former licensees and certificate holders, who:

    * breach the Act or Regulation, including the Rules of Conduct – for example, failure to account for money held in trust, or failure to properly supervise employees
    *breach a licence or certificate condition
    *conduct business in an illegal, unfair or incompetent manner
    *become disqualified from holding a licence or certificate
    *cease to be suitable ‘fit and proper’ for the duties of licensee/certificate holder
    *fail to pay a required contribution to the Compensation Fund
    *fail to comply with an undertaking made to, or a directive made by the Commissioner
    *fail to pay a fine imposed by the Commissioner following disciplinary action
    *hold a licence or certificate that has been obtained fraudulently or by mistake.

    Complaints and investigations
    Any person can make a complaint to the Commissioner for Fair Trading about a breach of the legislation.

    The Office of Fair Trading can conduct investigations and take disciplinary action whether or not a complaint has been made, for example, where an investigator has identified a breach.

    Agents need to be acutely aware of the fiduciary nature of the relationship with their client (the principal). The relationship between principal and agent places an agent in a position of trust, confidence and responsibility in which their foremost duty is to act in the best interests of their client. Agents must always deal with their client free of the influence of any interest which may conflict with the client’s best interests.

    This does not mean that agents can use unethical tactics in dealing with their clients’ customers (tenants and purchasers) to get the best deal for their client. Agents are expected to deal with both their clients and other customers competently, diligently and according to principles of fairness and honesty.

    There are 19 core Rules which apply to all licence and certificate holders, and additional specific rules which apply to the various categories of agency work.

    Rules 1 – 5
    1. Knowledge of Act and Regulations
    An agent must have a knowledge and understanding of the Act and the regulations under the Act and other relevant laws, (including laws relating to tenancy, fair trading, trade practices, anti-discrimination and privacy) as may be necessary to enable the agent to exercise his or her functions as agent lawfully.

    2. Fiduciary obligations
    An agent must comply with the fiduciary obligations arising as an agent.

    3. Honesty, fairness and professionalism
    An agent must act honestly, fairly and professionally with all parties in a transaction.
    An agent must not mislead or deceive any parties in negotiations or a transaction.

    4. Skill, care and diligence
    An agent must exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence.

    5. High pressure tactics, harassment or unconscionable conduct
    An agent must not engage in high pressure tactics, harassment or harsh or unconscionable conduct.

    Rules 6 – 9
    6. To act in client’s best interests
    An agent must act in the client’s best interest at all times unless it would be contrary to the Act or regulations under the Act or otherwise unlawful to do so.

    7. Confidentiality
    An agent must not, at any time, use or disclose any confidential information obtained while acting on behalf of a client or dealing with a customer, unless:

    (a) the client or customer authorises disclosure, or
    (b) the agent is permitted or compelled by law to disclose.

    8. To act in accordance with client authority
    An agent must not act as an agent or represent himself or herself as acting as an agent on behalf of a person without written authority.

    9. To act in accordance with client’s instructions
    An agent must act in accordance with a client’s instructions unless it would be contrary to this Act or regulations under the Act, or otherwise unlawful to do so.

    Rules 10 – 13
    10. Licensee must ensure employees comply with the Act and regulations
    An agent who is the licensee-in-charge at a place of business must take reasonable steps to ensure other licensees or registered persons employed in the business conducted there comply with the Act and regulations under the Act.

    11. Conflicts of interest
    An agent must not accept an appointment to act, or continue to act, as an agent if doing so would place the agent’s interests in conflict with the client’s interests.

    12. Referral to service provider
    An agent who refers a principal or prospect to a service provider must not falsely represent to the principal or prospect that the service provider is independent of the agent.

    A service provider is considered to be “independent” of an agent if:

    a) the agent receives no rebate, discount, commission or benefit for referring a client or customer to the service provider, and
    (b) the agent does not have a personal or commercial relationship with the service provider.

    The following are examples of a personal or commercial relationship:

    (a) a family relationship,
    (b) a business relationship,
    (c) a fiduciary relationship,
    (d) a relationship in which one person is accustomed, or obliged, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of the other person.

    If the service provider is not independent of the agent, the agent must disclose to the principal or prospect:

    (a) the nature of any relationship, whether personal or commercial, the agent has with the service provider, and
    (b) the nature and value of any rebate, discount, commission or benefit the agent may receive, or expects to receive, by referring the client or customer to the service provider.

    13. Licensee not to recommend engagement of services of solicitor or licensed conveyancer acting for other party
    An agent must not recommend that a principal or prospect engage the services of a solicitor or licensed conveyancer, or firm of solicitors or licensed conveyancers, if the agent knows that the solicitor or licensed conveyancer, or the firm of solicitors or licensed conveyancers, acts or will be acting for the other party to the agreement concerned.

    Sub-clause (1) does not prevent an agent recommending that a principal or prospect engage the services of a solicitor or licensed conveyancer if no other solicitor or licensed conveyancer is available (for example, in a remote location).

    If no other solicitor or licensed conveyancer is available, the agent must, in recommending their engagement, advise the principal or prospect that the solicitor or licensed conveyance is or will be acting for the other party.

    Rules 14 – 19
    14. Inducements
    An agent must not offer to provide to any other person any gift, favour or benefit, whether monetary or otherwise, in order to induce any other person to engage the services of the agent as agent in respect of any matter.

    15. Soliciting through false or misleading advertisements or communications
    An agent must not solicit clients or customers through advertisements or other communications that the agent knows or should know are false or misleading.

    16. Insertion of material particulars in documents
    An agent must not submit or tender to any person for signature a document, or cause or permit any document to be submitted or tendered to any person for signature, unless at the time of submission or tendering of the document all material particulars have been inserted in the document.

    17. Duty to provide copy of signed documents
    An agent who submits or tenders a document to any person for signature, or who causes or permits a document to be submitted or tendered to any person for signature, must immediately after the person has signed the document give a copy of the document to the person.

    18. Representations about the Act or regulations
    An agent must not falsely represent to a person the nature or effect of a provision of the Act or any regulation under the Act.

    An agent must not, either expressly or impliedly, falsely represent, whether in writing or otherwise, to a person that a particular form of agency agreement or any term of such an agreement is required by the Act or a regulation under the Act.

    19. Agency agreements must comply with regulations
    An agent must not enter into an agency agreement unless the agreement complies with any applicable requirements of the Property, Stock and Business Agents Regulation 2003, as required by section 55 of the Act.

    More Info @

    NSW Office of Fair Trading
    PO Box 972 Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia
    Tel: 61 2 9895 0111 Fax: 61 2 9895 0222 TTY: 61 2 9338 4943

    or contact your States Authority.

    If you mean the book at , here’s an extract from another post:

    Cabo Wabo
    Established Forum Contributor [62 posts]
    Posted 29/09/2005, 23:11:13


    Definately a beginners book. Its perfect for me.
    In well writen laymans terms, he walks you through (broad strokes) all the steps and stages of building a single story 4 unit development.

    Cabo Wabo

    Still finding my forum feet [16 posts]
    Posted 20/10/2005, 18:52:11

    The e’Book is OK. You always pick up something.

    Feasibility has a few ommissions/events out of Sequence though.
    1. Selling Cost: Commission on Selling Price (say 2.5 to 3%) is calculated after you have assessed the potential Sale Price.

    2. No mention of GST & Input Tax Credit;This has a major impact on your feasibility now.


    Hope this helps…

    you don’t need a license to find deals….if i found a great deal and told you about it and you bought it, then i’d want the fee in exchange for the work i did..only after you bought it would i ask for the fee….looking, finding and analysing doesn’t require a license..i’m not buying it, i’m only analysing it and letting you know..after all noone can find all the deals themselves..and if i lock up the property with an option for a period of time and assign the contract to you for a fee because you like the deal after you’ve analysed the deal yourself with all the facts and I make the deal conditional that I present all the facts to you with no hidden surprises, then if you agree or like the deal that’s up to you…

    Check out
    They only do conveyancing, i.e handle property transactions.

    It goes through the process of whats required from the both the buyers and sellers point of view.

    If the seller doesn’t have a contract of sale, they can prepare this for the seller. You could probably even go their together….ring them on 1800 678 462. Their contact info/address is on the website.

    And if the seller already does have a contract for sale, they will review the Contract, free of charge, advise you on the conditions of the agreement, alert you of any dangers and even negotiate changes for your benefit.

    Since your in nsw, these guys have offices in Lane Cove, Bondi Junction and Gladesville.

    Their fees are here:

    Even if you don’t use them, this will give you an idea of whats involved and the costs.

    hope this helps,

    is this a franchise?

    The following are all FREE :)

    windows xp comes with a firewall as long as you have Service Pack 2 installed…if not get it here:

    second, you can install a free virus scanner provided it is for home use from this website

    third, install microsofts antispyware from here:

    run scans after they are installed

    hope this helps,

    you can unistall f-secure after all this is installed. There website is but you have to pay for it if you want to use their stuff…the free virus scanner above will do the job for you.

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