JasonK replied to the topic What to look for in potential development site? in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago
Land subdivision is a bit like helping Mom slice up her beautiful Apple Pie; it's all so easy, when, like Mom, you've done it a few times. So let's see if we can get the ingredients for a land subdivision correct so you can do it right first time, OK? Every city or town in the free world has a Town Plan and it comprises, not surprisingly, of plans…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
i am looking at the usa stock market…..at this point in time the aud / usd currency pair, the usa stock market, gold and silver are linked…..they all go up together and they all go down together
the past few days, the usa stock market fell from 11490 to 11000 and so did the rest above…..yesterday the usa stock market made a turn around and…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum things look to be 14 years ago
things look to be turning…lets see what happens tonight in the US!
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum http://goldsilver.com/home/ 14 years ago
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum as you keep watching each 14 years ago
as you keep watching each day you’ll learn more
he does 2 videos a day….one on metals and one on the markets:
just subscribe to his channel and you’ll see em pop each day
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum watch this guy everyday to 14 years ago
watch this guy everyday to keep your sanity
JasonK replied to the topic Property and Silver – Mistake or not mistake in the forum the experts are buying 14 years ago
the experts are buying silver….the ones that know what they are talking about….
what is your risk in buying silver?
if you buy 10,000 worth of it, whats the VERY worst that could happen?
you lose 50%-70%?….but what is the likleyhood of that happening? it could happen…but these experts keep saying they are not selling…if it falls they…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic Perth seminars in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
try http://www.realestatesdevelopmentcoach.com
no need to spend a fortune to do an over-priced seminar!
JasonK replied to the topic Property Development Aspirations in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
You need to GET educated….how much do you really think you will learn in a forum?
you need to get professional help…
if you’re niche is property development, then you need to speak to and learn from and be mentored by someone in the business and someone who is willing to teach you the ins and outs…
go to this website and read all of the…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic Are these quotes reasonable? in the forum have you contacted a 14 years ago
have you contacted a quantity surveyor to get costs…instead of using this broker?
i would definitely get someone else…
i would not use a broker like this find a builder
JasonK replied to the topic Recommend Property Development Management Companies, Sydney, Nsw in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
what size development are you talking about?
JasonK replied to the topic Agent tells me he is going to buy property in the forum General Property 19 years ago
The Commissioner for Fair Trading can take disciplinary action against licensees and certificate of registration holders, and former licensees and certificate holders, who:
* breach the Act or Regulation, including the Rules of Conduct – for example, failure to account for money held in trust, or failure to properly supervise empl…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic colms book in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
If you mean the book at http://www.realestatesdevelopmentcoach.com , here’s an extract from another post:
Cabo Wabo
Established Forum Contributor [62 posts]
Posted 29/09/2005, 23:11:13Julie,
Definately a beginners book. Its perfect for me.
In well writen laymans terms, he walks you through (broad strokes) all the steps and stages of building a single…[Read more]JasonK replied to the topic Bird Dogs? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
you don’t need a license to find deals….if i found a great deal and told you about it and you bought it, then i’d want the fee in exchange for the work i did..only after you bought it would i ask for the fee….looking, finding and analysing doesn’t require a license..i’m not buying it, i’m only analysing it and letting you know..after all noone…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic how do you do a private house sale? in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Check out http://www.pauldenny.com.au/process.htm
They only do conveyancing, i.e handle property transactions.It goes through the process of whats required from the both the buyers and sellers point of view.
If the seller doesn’t have a contract of sale, they can prepare this for the seller. You could probably even go their together….ring…[Read more]
JasonK replied to the topic jenman agent??????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
is this a franchise?
JasonK replied to the topic the right direction in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
have a look at this website…
JasonK replied to the topic property development in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
have a look at this website…
JasonK replied to the topic setting up business structure before buying in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
JasonK replied to the topic PROTECTION FOR MY COMPUTER – HELP!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
The following are all FREE
windows xp comes with a firewall as long as you have Service Pack 2 installed…if not get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx
second, you can install a free virus scanner provided it is for home use from this website
http://www.avast.com/third, install microsofts antispyware from…[Read more]
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