jasks replied to the topic Taxes in NSW in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago
I live in Sydney, I guess it’s just easier for me to start from NSW. It will have too much travel cost if I am investing in other states plus I won’t know the areas as well.
jasks replied to the topic Real Estate Agent problem in the forum General Property 19 years, 6 months ago
Hi Jasmind,
The council is not going to commit to anything without plans being submitted.
But what you can do is ask the bulider to go to the property and check to see if the house can be build on to the land. (To win your business they often do that for free)The architect can also do minor mods to the plans to suit the land size and shape as well.
jasks replied to the topic Commerical Property in the forum General Property 19 years, 7 months ago
I see, I didn’t know that. That’s a lot better than a residential property.
Thank you everyone for your input.
jasks replied to the topic Wrapping in Sydney in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi Paul,
Not that much. From memory it was only about $1200 or so. My main concerns are vendor tax and CGT hence I am investigating whether wrapping could be an alternative.