Jarrod_2 replied to the topic Quick cash or Buy & hold? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for the replies,
I think onselling and using the cash to fund other investments is a wise idea. I will even ask if the person selling it to me will sell it and give me the profit! Great way of looking at the question.
JarrodJarrod_2 replied to the topic quick Cash in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 3 months ago
Hello Steve and Terry,
Thanks for your replies to my questions. I aggree that I need to do a bit more due diligence to establish what the true costs of the deal would be. I guess I stopped investigating it too much when I realised that I may not make much out of the deal if I went ahead and onsold it through an agent.
I have learnt a lot going…[Read more]Jarrod_2 replied to the topic qualified wrap leads in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years, 3 months ago
Hello Rick,
I am currently ready to buy property in the Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne area to wrap and was wondering if any of the people you qualified are in this area. I would appreciate it if you could forward the deatils of any suitable people to me.Sincerely,
Jarrod Egan