janinet replied to the topic selling 50% share of IP back to spouse in the forum Help Needed! 7 years, 7 months ago
We have been running the business for 10 years and yes insured and council permits are in place but no ABN as income is less than 20K so not needed.
janinet started the topic selling 50% share of IP back to spouse in the forum Help Needed! 7 years, 7 months ago
We owe $100K on PPOR and $90K on holiday rental IP valued at aprox 300K (both in both names)
it was suggested that I should sell my share of IP to my husband for $150K (in vic so no stamp duty if I act fast) as my gross income is under $10k and all the negative gearing would increase my husbands tax return. Yes, I know I will have to pay capital…[Read more]janinet became a registered member 7 years, 7 months ago