janemcewen replied to the topic CNN article on 10 best cities to buy a rental property. in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
JLH, thanks for your info. I was wanting to buy in Texas due to my father's US office being situated in Fort Worth. We would have access to his legal and accounting team and also free accom whilst we are there which would be good. However after reading these comments and a few more websites I do believe the Texas-market is flat and there is no…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic CNN article on 10 best cities to buy a rental property. in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
jayhinrichs wrote:
jane, . I have one client who invested with us that had 30 houses in Texas and sold them all his comment was the vacancies and tax's just ate him up. I will be in Dallas tomorrow,,,,, JLHJayhinrichs, this is interesting to know. The reason why I like Texas is due to my father's US office been there and free accom and access…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic CNN article on 10 best cities to buy a rental property. in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
jayhinrichs wrote:
Nice report Alex, Texas they just build something new and trash the old. Thats why texas values just pretty much stay constant as well. Then the tax's eat you up there. Ok back to workI am about to invest in Texas I understand the market is quite flat, but I have every intention of a long term cash flow investment, however…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic Finding a good Realtor and Property Manager in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Baruchmax : can you explain your comment 3.3) If you are purchasing a multi-unit, PLEASE make sure that all the units are legal per the city and any other government authority. You can find this out by calling the city's building department. Just give them the address and ask them "What is the zoning for this property?" and they should be able to…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic Finding a good Realtor and Property Manager in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Thanks so much for your feed back Alex and baruchmax, I really appreciate it. It is such a big step to take to invest in a country other than your own and it seems in the US it is very different to Australia in some ways. I want to be sure I chose my team right as we all know this is one of the most important things to do!Baruchmax the reason…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic Take advantage of a Family business presence in Fort Worth… or better off going to Florida Fort Myers? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
I really appreciate everyones feedback, thanks a lot.LLCW I have not seen those websites yet they are great links, thanks.More to take in and think about now…
janemcewen replied to the topic How to Register an LLC & EIN and save $$$ compared to AUS buyer agents in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
Can I just get someone to clarify that, in order to set up an LLC you do not need an ITIN?Is there a risk that you may not receive the ITIN before your tax return is due, and therefore have to pay 30% withholding tax?Also once you set up your LLC is it after this that you get an EIN? Is it the EIN that you need to open your business bank accoun…[Read more]
janemcewen replied to the topic Friend in Need buy sell hold?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
He is actually in the process of becoming an Australian resident therefore I guess it would not be an option as a foreign investment.