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  • jamiem28593 replied to the topic Hotel/Motel Property in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Jose,

    I have jumped into PI buy buying Three Serviced hotel apartments one after the other. I have found it a good stepping stone with little to no worry. The second unit was a 20 year old building, at first I was worried but for the last 4 months it has been unbelievable! the other two I have to wait until the a year has passed so I can sell…[Read more]

  • jamiem28593 replied to the topic Darwin housing market. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    I am an ex-Darwinite and still have family up there.I have three serviced apartments (hotel units) and they have two to three months of bugger all then great returns. The bank will not let me have any more money for these types of apartments, even though they can see they are + cash flow. I watch the market regularly and the prices are OK and the…[Read more]

  • jamiem28593 replied to the topic RENTAL SOFTWARE MONITOR in the forum Heads Up! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for reply Steve.
    Sounds very cheap. I have tried this program (trial version) and it seems to be a good program to have.
    Dolf De Roos has his name behind it. It is also very pricy!

  • jamiem28593 replied to the topic Air Con Maintenance in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Sonja,

    I would say you are getting a raw deal! Before I started out in PI I went to the department of fair trading and got a free booklet called “The Renting Guide” For them to send you on the roof is an OH&S thing. If it were a fridge I would say most people would know how to clean one, but and aircon I would have thought just keep the…[Read more]


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