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  • jamiedellam replied to the topic adivce on my idea for cf+ property in the forum No Subject 17 years, 9 months ago

    the idea is to own 4-5 properties in a place like bendigo and then in 10 -15 years i will have a + cashflow of over $1000 a week

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum No Subject 17 years, 9 months ago

    meekatharra is the correct spelling.. I own several there which i rent our to G.E.H.A (teachers).
    It is simply evidence that there are 1000’s of cf+ properties out there but I am just saying that no one is going to tell you where to get the good ones , you have to do that your self.

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    you have to get out there more
    You can buy properties in meekethara (w.a) for $30,000 that rent for $90 p/w ( excellent postive gearing)
    If u are in victoria simply drive from bendigo to ballarat and look at the country towns in between.
    No one in here will ever give you the suburb they are investing in…why would they, its hard enough to find…[Read more]

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic adivce on my idea for cf+ property in the forum No Subject 17 years, 9 months ago

    The reason i want to sell my house is becuase i dont see any future in owning a house in perth. I paid $198,000 (built) my house in 03 i have probarly spent about 50,000 on it and now it is worth well over 600,000. I cant see it going up 7% a year over the next decade i think it will stay very much the same as it is now… I want to sell it to…[Read more]

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic PERTH!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    thanks but can you give an example of a few towns you would consider worthy

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic Spiritual Books in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    The book that changed my life (apart from steves)
    is Mission earth by l.ron hubbard it is a ten book series.
    This book made me realize how the world really works and how people really are

  • jamiedellam replied to the topic Traps in NZ IP’s? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 5 months ago

    if you have to fly to new zealand to buy an investment property, is the flight a tax detuction?


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