JamesSampson replied to the topic Banks went broke during the GFC, will whole countries be next? in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
the last major nation to default which was Argentina with $95bn-worth of public debt. They went through this exact process not so long ago.so it has happened in the past… The people who held real assets and not paper money were the big winners in a massive wealth transfer.
JamesSampson replied to the topic Banks went broke during the GFC, will whole countries be next? in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
Most American products and manufacturing has moved to India, China and other developing countries because it is much cheaper to manufacture these goods. This is why everyone is confused why the USA isnt recovering..a big part of it is all their manufacting jobs have moved overseas. The same thing has happened here in Australia over the last 10…[Read more]
JamesSampson replied to the topic Theres so much Doom and Gloom around latley. in the forum General Property 14 years ago
that certainly puts things in perspective!
JamesSampson replied to the topic Seminar – Mark Rolton in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
I'd rather get a library card, read these forums and take a 5k holidaylol well said!
JamesSampson replied to the topic API Magazine article in the forum General Property 14 years ago
excellent article!
JamesSampson replied to the topic Can property make you rich in five years? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Here is the next article from the same author. I’m about to buy my first investment property – where do I start? Making the transition from buying your first home to property investing is all about changing the way you think. You will need to start thinking like a true investor focused on the numbers rather than how a property feels to you. It…[Read more]
JamesSampson replied to the topic Can property make you rich in five years? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
rich is just a crude work to mean wealthy
JamesSampson replied to the topic Realestate agents in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I know a few people who use this site:http://www.rent.com.au its great especially if you manage any of the properties yourself as it allows you to create your own adds.
JamesSampson replied to the topic Anyone got a Carly Crutchfield home study they’d like to sell? in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
6k for a course. What a joke.This information is not worh 6k, its not even worth 1k. You can get all this info plus more through books, online courses and this forum.Keep your money.
JamesSampson replied to the topic Property Toolbox New Business in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
just a bit of an update, our courses have been well received and we are getting just under 1000 people to the website a day. It has really blown us away!!!!We have set up a promotion code for forum users. Please enter YES10 to receive a further 10% off your whole order in the promotion code section.happy investing!
JamesSampson replied to the topic Property Toolbox New Business in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
i forgot to mention we have a free course, it is a basic one but there is still some interesting info in there for first time buyers nad investors.hope you find it useful!!!https://propertytoolbox.com.au/coursecms/course/view/?name=Real_Estate_Rewards
JamesSampson replied to the topic How much deposit would you recommend? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
plus now is a buyers market, they they have been in the past a rare event. A house does not necesserally go up in value as soon as you finish a renovation or complete building a new home. It all depends on your suburb/towns performance. For example i just finished a renovation in a inner city suburb of Brisbane, but currently i cannot increase the…[Read more]
JamesSampson replied to the topic Investors Ruined Australia in the forum General Property 14 years ago
investors provide a service. If you take away all the property investors you would be left with alot of empty houses in which you could not rent.I understand your point but the free market rules and sets prices not investors.
JamesSampson replied to the topic Tips On Saving For Your First Home Deposit Faster in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi,this may be a little out there for some people but it is really easy and has very low risk if you understand how it worksany spare cash i have i have been not putting in a bank account but investing in physical gold and silver. The reason is simple 'inflation' Today i believe gold is quite expencive but its little brother silver is still very…[Read more]
JamesSampson replied to the topic australia is has an oversupply of properties and not an undersupply. in the forum General Property 15 years ago
there is one thing i dont understand. If we have a true under-supple of property, then why arnt there buyers fighting for homes in the street.I must say this whole under-supply statement has some flaws.
JamesSampson replied to the topic What do you want from a property course? in the forum General Property 15 years ago
yeah i have to agree with you there Intrigue, the pros of property investment are made very clear to you while the risks are usualy never mentioned in seminars or books i have read.we all know risk and reward are related
JamesSampson replied to the topic Is the world going broke! in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Whats interesting is that these are the same guys that predicted the credit crisis and bank folds. Now there predicitng a much worse crisis where countries fold.All empires from the roman empire to the engligh empire all fell because of economic troubles. The question is not if the US will fall, but when?
JamesSampson replied to the topic What’s the area that you think is good for investment. in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago
Hi realcandy, I am somewhat still bearish on the American market and wouldnt be suprised if prices will fall again there. Especailly now that there is talk of a double dip recession. All their leaders are saying there in recovery and the problems are over, but really all the issues that cause the first recession have not been touched and in some…[Read more]
JamesSampson replied to the topic deposit when first signing a contract in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
If the contract fails you get back your deposit.well thats been my experience anyway in QLD.
JamesSampson replied to the topic Selling IP Property – price relation with Holding Cost in the forum General Property 15 years ago
It would be nice to use a formula to work out exactly what your investment property is worth.Bottom line is your property is worth what the market says it is at time of sale. Sure its great to work out what price point you need to sell in order to make a profit or break even, but it always comes down to what someone will pay. They will not take…[Read more]
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