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  • jamesp33 replied to the topic hi new member in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago

    I'm located in Sydney, and i actually wouldn't mind taking time and going to meet up with any referred financial planner that can talk me through what you guys have said thoroughly, at the age of 20 and taking my first stepping stone is kind of hard to understand. if anybody knows some things that are/or maybe on such as seminars please do tell…[Read more]

  • jamesp33 replied to the topic hi new member in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago

    wow thanks for the help guys, as you stated matt what kind of tafe courses do you recommend in being a begginer in investing?also i also would like to attend these seminars, although since starting out as a newbie i don't really know where and when they are on if you guys could help me with that it would be great


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