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  • JamesMc replied to the topic Built-in Bluddy Wardrobes in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 6 months ago

    Sparx said ; "Anyway, don't valuers look for saleability, rather than leaseability."Yes but are they not the same thing. It is, I would hazard to guess, basic ecconomics. ie supply and demand.At least some people thinking of buying will be investors, who prefer BIW for the previous stated reasons. Forces of ecconomics will always win out, even…[Read more]

  • JamesMc replied to the topic Statistics in the forum General Property 18 years, 4 months ago

    I too am reading Steve’s book (‘$1,000,000 in property in one year) and am wondering where to find info on auction clearance rates, for NZ.
    Anyone know? The ideas I see here I will also check out.

  • JamesMc replied to the topic To fix or not to fix, that is my question in the forum Finance 18 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks Damon.
    I knew it would be simple.

  • JamesMc replied to the topic To fix or not to fix, that is my question in the forum Finance 18 years, 4 months ago

    have always taken out PI variable
    Hi, pretty new to this, so appologies for what is probably a simple question.
    What is ‘PI variable’ as discussed?
    (Mind you, old Chinese proverb goes like “Any question with an answer is worth asking”)

  • JamesMc replied to the topic Looking for LOC gurus here in the forum No Subject 18 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks MJ.
    Easy once one knows what things mean.

  • JamesMc replied to the topic Looking for LOC gurus here in the forum Finance 18 years, 5 months ago

    Hi, I’m pretty new here.
    What is a ‘LOC’?
    Where can I find what all these abbreviations mean?

  • JamesMc replied to the topic A Bit of Encouragement in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    Hi all. Just started on the site, so still exploring. However great to see so many positive comments, helpful advice etc. Thank you.

  • JamesMc replied to the topic Can anyone tell me where we stand? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 6 months ago

    Hi, I am very new to this but surely the contract stands? (Normal contract law)
    However if there was an oversight (you expected to pay more,but was it $3,500), negotiate.”Fair middle ground” may be a good place to start and might very well be cheaper than lawyers.
    Cheers James


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