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  • jamesjimmy1 replied to the topic Hilton or Hamilton Hill, WA in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 5 months ago

    oh and theres one i forgot to mention Kwinana very dodgy but not any more, places change

  • jamesjimmy1 replied to the topic Hilton or Hamilton Hill, WA in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 5 months ago

    i remember when spearwood was dodgy ,rockingham was dodgy and balga was dodgy but i was back in perth a few weeks ago and was really surprised to see that all these areas had changed quite considerably last time i lived in perth was 1996 been living in queensland ever since gods country as they say over here ehjames

  • jamesjimmy1 replied to the topic Transportable homes in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    a question for kp you wouldnt happen to be grasstree developements would you


  • jamesjimmy1 replied to the topic Transportable homes in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    kressley i too live in mount isa and also have had the very same thoughts ive been over to townsville and been through the ark homes factory in february this year and had some good ideas thrown at me they were very very helpful the prices for a house stumped in mount isa were very good too compared to getting or trying too get a builder in mount…[Read more]


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