I live at home with parents and have one resi investment property with a $970k home loan that is completely offset. I want to now buy another resi investment property, knock down and build a single dwelling, then sell it once completed. I know the way banks assess my loan I won’t be able to afford it and I will be about $50k pa in deficit (this w…[Read more]
My home is about 25 years old but I did an upstairs extension and added more rooms about 5 years ago. I don’t have a depreciation schedule for it and would get one if I was to rent it out. Even with the extension it is only a townhouse and still restrictive in space with very little land. It is in top spot close to schools and trams…[Read more]
Strategy: 4 year strategy to rent a house larger than the one I live in and own outright.
Reason: We are overdue to move into a larger home. Depending on where my children get accepted for high school in 4 years time, we will buy a house in that area.
Our Situation:
* My wife & I are both PAYG earners
* Our home loan is paid off
* we have 1…[Read more]
Terryw & mattYou both say it is difficult to go about doing this. I assume you mean obtaining a loan won't be easy as it will be 100+ % finance. But with sufficient equity or by using like an Equity Access Account / LOC could this not be easily possible?
Would I be right in assuming the further out you move from the city it would be harder to find a tenant (unless ofcourse they work nearby). For instance I was thinking about investing in Wyndham Vale or around there as its meant to be one of the fastest growing corridors etc etc). But who's going to rent out there for say $300 p/w when you c…[Read more]
So, Benjamin or Richard…….how does one use Super to invest in property? I have Super but it's not self managed – can I still do it? Also, as this concept is a bit foreign to me, will it help with the struggling cash flow situation that I am in or is it there to assist more with the equity side of things?James
But my motivation is sparked by the fact that I am one of those affected by the hike in interest rates and am facing it a little hard to meet repayments. So, one option would be to sell it. But instead of being hit with agent’s commission of around $10K, I felt wrapping it would be another option and would at…[Read more]
Go Telstra Broadband like I have (and am very happy with it – been down only once for 2 hours in the last 6 months) and get Foxtel Cable for no installation cost b/c the cable is already laid.
But hang on…..what are the underlying benefits of putting the PPORs & IPs into a trust? Do trusts pay less tax than individuals on the highest tax scale? Or is it to protect the assets in the event that you go bankrupt?
Aren’t the maintenance costs covered in the Warranty of the item? So say you took out a FlexiRent over 5 years, they tend to extend warranty over 5 years too.
Also, how about a Ceiling mounted projector instead of a Plasma. One that projects on to a wall or large pull-down screen. Not only do they last longer and are cheaper, but…[Read more]
Where can you purchase these sort of items at wholesale? Secondly, with your repayments, is the principal deductible, or is it just the interest repayments?
Finally, if I indicated to the ATO I had purchased the home theatre for one of my rental properties and kept it myself (getting tax benefits in the meantime), how would the ATO…[Read more]
Why would it matter whether it is a company financing the equipment. I thought finance companies would not finance 2nd hand stuff to anyone, esp under $10K