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  • JamesandHannah replied to the topic What are my options in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    "First step is to have your PPOR revalued to see how much it's really worth (your bank will do that) and see if you can borrow against that value."How much does it cost to have my property valued, I understand that a bank can appoint one on there behalf or I could get a private valuer, is this correct? if so which is better for me?. Can I 'sweet…[Read more]

  • JamesandHannah replied to the topic What are my options in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    I appreciate your thoughts guys.I worded it wrong, my girlfriend and I earn 40k each per year.If I go strong I think theres a good chance we could pay off the car by 2009. Is that the right way to go about it,pay off car first then home loan? and should I put extra cash after the car loan onto home loan or leave it for deposit?My disposable income…[Read more]


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