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  • I just came across a few houses I was looking at that had these features.  One of them was a period specific house, the other one was a bit of a mix, definitely not heritage house just a very old plain house.  Just scoping out renovation possibilities for these houses and learn something about it as I hadn't really considered reno these…

  • I just came across a few houses I was looking at that had these features.  One of them was a period specific house, the other one was a bit of a mix, definitely not heritage house just a very old plain house.  Just scoping out renovation possibilities for these houses and learn something about it as I hadn't really considered reno these…

  • James740 replied to the topic Improvements to ex NSW Housing Commission House in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago

    Doonside NSW

    bought some laminate floors and did the whole house with it.  That was probably the only easy part of the entire renovation.  I had a million holes in the walls to fix  up when I first got it.  THought about doing the kitchen and bathroom myself but that would've taken a ridiculous amount of time, so I just bought the bathroom wares…[Read more]

  • James740 replied to the topic Improvements to ex NSW Housing Commission House in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago

    I just finished a renovation on my ex gov house.  I didn't do anything on the outside, solely focused on the inside.  New floor, new  kitchen, new bathroom.  All in all, spent 20k, had the bank do a valuation and came back 70k higher than the purchase price, or 40k up if you take out reno and buying cost.  but out of the 20k reno, about half of…[Read more]


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