James Bunning replied to the topic Loan structure for an investment property in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hello KrisIt is always good to get a second opinion and I must start by saying I am a little disappointed that you have not responded to my earlier post.I agree with Richard and Terry with using various lenders but sometimes it is good to stay with one Bank, because the more you borrow with them the higher they discount their rates and fees. I…[Read more]
James Bunning replied to the topic Loan structure for an investment property in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hello Kris,I hope this email finds you well, it is very hard to give you tips without knowing the full details, I gather with you taking out the 50,000 from your home loan, that you will now owe 420,000 not 470,000. You are very close to 80% loan to security ratio (LVR)accross both properties at 420,000. If you are above 80% LVR you normally have…[Read more]