jadamo76 replied to the topic contract of sale this financial year but settlement next financial – can you claim deductions now and depreciation schedule when in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
washingtonbrown wrote:
HiAs you are not settling until July…..you won’t be able to claim anything this financial year.
The report will start from Settlement.
Might be best to organise the QS to inspect just prior to settlement – so as to not disturb the tenants if you have one immediately.
Tyron…[Read more]
jadamo76 replied to the topic contract of sale this financial year but settlement next financial – can you claim deductions now and depreciation schedule when in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
Dan42 wrote:
No, as depreciation is deductible when the asset first becomes available for use. It isn't your asset until a) you have paid for it, and b) it is available for a tenant to use. The earliest date for depreciation would therefore be settlement date.Is it worthwhile getting a depreciation schedule done up before settlement? Or wait…[Read more]
jadamo76 replied to the topic 2012 Mega Conference in Melbourne in the forum DWolfe wrote:
Hi 13 years agoDWolfe wrote:
Hi jadamo76,Propertyinvesting.com puts on a 3 day Mega conference. It's 3 days of property information, broken up into workshops with property and other speakers. It should be advertised on the site soon. Well worth the money, I'm not sure how much it this year, but I loved the last one I went to. I'm sure there will be more info…[Read more]jadamo76 replied to the topic 2012 Mega Conference in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Nhan wrote:
Hi there,Just wondering if anyone knows the location for the 2012 mega conference this year? I know its in Melbourne but dont have the address.Your feedback is much appreciated.NhanHi stupid question but what is the “mega conference” ???
jadamo76 replied to the topic property management agent proposal – victoria – is it a good deal? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
BMW wrote:
How many people with only 1 investment property get 5% plus GST for management fee?we will be getting 5.5% at family rates also in a regional areaBMW thanks. Can I ask how much your paying in letting fee? and is there a re-let fee attached?
jadamo76 replied to the topic Investing in new Home & Land Packages Vic in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
kouts86 wrote:
Hi AllI am interested in your thoughts with the new home and land packages in Melbourne. I have been looking in Morwell and Warrnambool as well as Sunbury as it is slightly closer to the CBD. My intention is to ensure it is CF+ but as I am an out of state buyer I would like local experience and knowledge. The Governement is…[Read more]
jadamo76 replied to the topic Putting in an offer tonight in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Phorsha wrote:
Put in 480k, as soon as i said subject to the sale of my house the agent made it very obvious I didn't stand a chance. He also said there would be no counter offers because the owners expectations had already been exceeded by the other offers.SUCKS!At least you know where you stand! no pussy footing around now. You can move on…[Read more]
jadamo76 replied to the topic property management agent proposal – victoria – is it a good deal? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
anandd wrote:
If your investment property is in Melbourne Metro area I may refer you to a major property agent (I know her personally) and they will look after you very well and I believe will be cheaper over all. Email me if interested.CheersAnandd thanks but as already said in my original post it is in a regional area hence why I would pre…[Read more]
jadamo76 replied to the topic property management agent proposal – victoria – is it a good deal? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
JacM wrote:
There is no way that I would pay half a week's rent for lease renewal. $50 at most. And once you have a couple of properties with them, negotiate it to zero. Remember that all a lease renewal is, is a phonecall to the tenant from the agent asking if they want to renew, and posting them a renewal notice. That's not half a week…[Read more]jadamo76 replied to the topic Putting in an offer tonight in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Phorsha wrote:
Hi Everyone, I have decided to put in an offer on a house which I haven't done in 5 years so I am a wee bit out of touch. The first home open was yesterday and from what i could see generated a fair bit of interest. Within 15 minutes the Harcourt's agent reckons he has 3 separate parties interested in making an offer so I po…[Read more]