JackHu replied to the topic Negatively Geared Property in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I am no real estate guru but I would like to share my view on this.
Ideally we should invest for the cash first then for capital. However, It depends on the level of your negative cash flow. If you have little negative cash flow, say less than $50 per month but have around $600 capital gain per month then I don’t see why you should sell your…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic My Thoughts On NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago
Steve, thank you so much for the reply.
We have a house in NZ but we don’t live there.
Do you suggest us to sell it now?thank you
How to build passive income with Robert Allen Team?
http://euanmackenzie.successfulpeople.com/JackHu replied to the topic 2006 Property Tour – USA??? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago
I’ve heard the real estate in the USA is at the peak stage?
you might want to read this article
http://www.richdad.com/pages/article_dollar_crisis.aspHow to build passive income with Robert Allen Team?
http://euanmackenzie.successfulpeople.com/JackHu replied to the topic How to use the leverage? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Originally posted by Abby:
How is it possible Jack Hu that your parents are both “newbie” to RE and yet own 2 properties outright over and above their PPOR???
You’re tripping yourself up as usual, aren’t you Jack Hu? As always, your posts seem to be thinly disguised advertising for your latest scheme.Who has the time to give you a decent…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic How to use the leverage? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
My short term plan for MY PARENTS house is this:
My dad has retired when he was 45, he is now 52, and he wants to invest in the real estate too but he doesn’t know how. He can retire early because of his former job.
One of my friends is 27 years old and he has invested in 13 houses and he works as a real estate agent. Unlike most real esta…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic How to use the leverage? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks for all your suggestions.
I think a better way to use the equity is to refinance it for another real estate property.
My parents are newbie to real estate investment so I would recommend to start with small deals, what do you guys think?
Please give me some advices.PS, I do think it’s a total waste that they own 100 equity of the hous…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic Selecting properties? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
You can find a local agent for more information.
You can interview some agents with the following questionsHow long have you been in this business?
Have you ever written and brochures, websites, articles or books?
How Busy is your business?
How many clients do you serve on a daily basis?
Can you promptly be reached at any time of the…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic My Situation: Can I get a loan? in the forum Finance 20 years ago
I assume you want to purchase that property for the purpose of creating positive cash flow, well yo can ask the vendor whom you are buying off to sell you the property on vendor finance too and then rent it out under a buy and hold investment strategy.
ASK IT ! You won’t get it if you don’t ask.
Passive…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic no deposit in the forum Finance 20 years ago
In your yahoo, msn, google or whatever search you have, type in, “no money down”. You will come up with a bunch of lenders that way.
There is a book by robert allen called nothing down.
Passive income:
http://www.unitoday.net/healthyjack/mystory_en.cfmJackHu replied to the topic Hi Smart investors in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Thanks for sharing
Passive income:
http://www.unitoday.net/healthyjack/mystory_en.cfmJackHu replied to the topic neg-gearing in the forum General Property 20 years ago
You might want to ask some questions
Here’s the due dilligence list:
1. I assume you plan to rent out the property. What do properties typically rent for in that area?
2. What is the vacancy rate for the area? Ask the realtor how long properties take to rent in that area.
3. What are the real estate taxes?
4. How much will it cost to insure the…[Read more]JackHu replied to the topic Is there a good time to build ? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I think the besting timing goes to the EDUCATED investors
Passive income:
http://www.unitoday.net/healthyjack/mystory_en.cfmJackHu replied to the topic finance for the jobless in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Just because you don’t have the funds to invest doesn’t mean you can’t make a start. There’s always a way to solve a problem.
YOu can go to some banks, and you can use the services of a mortagae broker to help you shop for the right loan for your circumstances. This will save yo a lot of time and it’s usually a free service as the broker is…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic Buy & Hold Strategy in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi there,
Most people think that their biggest assets is their home, but more often they are not aware that their homes are actually liabilities as they create negative cash flows.
Things will always work out best for those people who make the best of how things work out, so if you think your property has a great potential to increase in value…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic Equity in Bundaberg in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
you can refinance this equity and use the money to invest in something else.
JackHu replied to the topic borrow while living abroad in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Have you read Nothing Down by Robert Allen? That is a great book to read
Some tips for you
1. Choose 3 banks in your area
2. PICK A loan officer you can realate to
3. Go to another bank if you feel you are not welcome
4. ask your loan officer if he owns real estate
5. determine what the loan officer’s credit limit it
6. ask the officer if it is…[Read more]JackHu replied to the topic Loan?? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
You should try to establish a good credit rating so you can borrow large amounts of money quickly on an unsecured basis.
If you don’t alredy have a good credit rating , open checking accout at several banks. Find those whose loan officers are friendly and interested in helpin gyou establish a credit rating of through borrow small amounts of…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic nervous 1st home buyer in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
There is a saying in the banking business: “We don’t give unsecured lines of credit to bullfighters, parachutists, and real estate investors”
Be prepared to answe these questions when you apply for such a loan:
1. What is your income?
2. Do you keep your income tax returns
3. The bankers would like to know why you are borrowing, and you…[Read more]JackHu replied to the topic nervous 1st home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
You should try to establish a good credit rating so you can borrow large amounts of money quickly on an unsecured basis.
If you don’t alredy have a good credit rating , open checking accout at several banks. Find those whose loan officers are friendly and interested in helpin gyou establish a credit rating of through borrow small amounts of…[Read more]
JackHu replied to the topic Canadian with questions… in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Why do so few of us ever reach financial freedom?
I think there are three main reasons
1. Most people don’t believe it is possible or have given up trying
2. Most people don’t have a specific plan for achieving it
3. Most people are not willing ot do something about it NOW.You can stil make a fortune in real estate!
Seriously, can you ennvision…[Read more]
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