thought as much as I’m generally good with finding stuff on the Internet…
So far I’ve found median house price data in magazines like the “Australian Property Investor”, however they’re not useful to compare prices in eg. your street?
Do you find you you still reference that kind of data much?
if you know of anyone that wants a tenant that always pays on time in the Sydney inner city area and that is willing to pay up to $600p/w for 2bdr or $750p/w 3bdr… let me know []
thanks for the reply. Just letting you know of one reader’s initial experience with the book. I did figure what you were trying to get across in the end.
nobody in the inner city… was interested in leasing
on another note… somebody must be making money on inner city properties somehow? they can’t be all…um… stupid
just wondering how with apperently low capital gains, a saturated market and low rentals?