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  • Jace81 replied to the topic Non bank Lenders Good or Bad? in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    Originally posted by real:
    Hi all,
    I beleive it is not about Bank VS Non Bank, it is about Product VS Product!

    I am an ex-Power Loan Branch Manager and Senior Service Manager that created a good client base and went on confreneces , etc. over 2 years, so I am very qualified to know what really is behind Power Loan.

    The real deal is this: The…[Read more]

  • Jace81 replied to the topic Non bank Lenders Good or Bad? in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    I left after the westpoint crash, i didnt feel comfortable working on the expos, often having clients telling me they were caught up in it, although i do not believe powerloan was at fault and unfairly named in the media, i do feel there is a lack of communication in the risk of this kind of investment , they have a very high return to cover the…[Read more]

  • Jace81 replied to the topic reverse mortgages in the forum Finance 19 years ago

    reverse mortgages are a scam IMO,….they came out in the UK years ago, and forced many pensioners onto the street. take in to account him living longer than the equity in the home will last, generally the interest will eat up the rest of the equity anyway, becoz you dont have to make repayments on most of those kind of LOANS, buyer beware i…[Read more]

  • Jace81 replied to the topic Non bank Lenders Good or Bad? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    ok, i worked for powerloan for about 6 months, and most of the time (up until the westpoint crash) was enjoyable…The workshops are not much more than a sales pitch, so that part of the added value service from the company is a bit dodgy. and i dont know why you said you can only go 12 times?, they were allways free to the public. I believe…[Read more]
