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  • iwsctws replied to the topic Am i able to afford an investment property? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the quick reply Robert, it was very encouraging to me.

    However won’t your numbers put me in very negatively geared territory? (and thus eat up my cash flows?)

    Am no accountant but could you or someone else care to give me a breakdown of repayments and upfront deposits required?

    Thanks a lot


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Can I keep my neg geared properties as well??? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi all,

    I’ve always enjoyed Rob’s posts and his contributions; he comes across as a straight talker and not afraid to voice his own opinions. This is after all a forum and all readers (i hope) are able to read and decipher for themselves.

    So lets not get so worked up and personal with your posts.

    AND most important keep your posts coming, Rob!…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic Is the property game to hard ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    My advice is to work overseas for a few years; we did that for 7 years (hubby and i) and saved our pennies towards our properties; hard cash. My opinion is it is too hard in Oz with the high tax rates; try Hong Kong or Singapore where the tax rates is about 1 month of your annual pay! Don’t be afraid to venture out! That’s where i am…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic Should I increase IP’s or buy own place .? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Dear Melbear,

    What do U mean by “buying in trust name and renting it back”? Will this have tax deductibility advantages???



  • iwsctws replied to the topic Mint Group in Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Dear Gatsby,

    Sounds too good to be true; any chance of getting in touch with this mortgage broker and accountant? (wouldn’t mind giving them the business as my questions are relating to property loans anyway.)



  • iwsctws replied to the topic powerlines near IP in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    I know of a house in my suburb which is near power lines and which has a “for lease ” sign there for 6 months! (and that’s not because of the suburb cos’ other similar houses that are for rent are quickly snapped up!)


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Brisbane Suburb-need some info in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for all the replies and the “heated” exchange. (BTW, i’m more confused than ever, i’ll have to go thru’ your replies and sieve out the information).

    Sounds like Ipswich is a debatable area; and as Milly says may be good for investment but as a PPOR it will have a long way to go.

    Thanks anyway for all your replies, it was…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic Brisbane Suburb-need some info in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks Madhun,

    Frankly am surprised to hear your answer; as it seems to imply that Brisbane’s public schools are not worth exploring at all. This is so unlike Sydney, where if you lived in the right area, the public high schools are very good!

    And i thot that it was a simple question as it would help to narrow the choice of suburbs i will be…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic Brisbane Suburb-need some info in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks for all the replies folks; now i know the east of Brisbane is out of my price range and that i should concentrate on the north and south. That narrows my search a lot! i probably need a minimum 800 sqm lot tho as am prsent on a quarter of an acre 40 min to the city.

    Just one last question about schools….which is the best comprehensive…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic cracks in brickwork in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I bought my house 2 years ago with a crack down halfway on the side of the house. Got a house inspector (i think that’s what he’s called!) to look at the crack. It was not structural as it did not affect the frame of the house. It was due to very dry weather for the past few years and the shifting of the soil beneath. In fact he said the…[Read more]

  • iwsctws replied to the topic Project Realty Group in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Dear Derek and Mortgage Advisor,

    Thanks for invaluable replies; we are going along for their presentation but mainly for educational purposes.



  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Dear Bionic Beer Gut,

    May sound like a silly question but gonna ask anyhow; Blue Mountain folks; where do they commute to work (seeing there isn’t much work up the mountain???) COuld it be (spluttter !!!) Penrith????


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Dear Bionic Beer Gut,

    May sound like a silly question but gonna ask anyhow; Blue Mountain folks; where do they commute to work (seeing there isn’t much work up the mountain???) COuld it be (spluttter !!!) Penrith????


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Gee, thanks!

    Wollongong ah ! Me thinks you live in a beautiful part of NSW; wouldn’t mind living there myself if not for the long commute to Sydney….

    Nothing beats local knowledge; but at 350K a pop, sounds like Syndey prices to me…



  • iwsctws replied to the topic Rentability in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks Wejon1 for your reply;

    3 months vacancy rate is no problem for me as i am starting small; looking at 200-250 K apartment.

    Would appreciate if you could define “due dligence”, i can get data re population,etc etc;
    but i can’t seem to locate the elusive vacancy/occupancy rate in a particular suburb???)
    Pray tell,


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Sounds like you know Wollongong very well, what’s the popularity of apartments like? Are they easily rented out? (and we are not talking about holiday rentals either).

    i’ve got 200-250K to invest.



  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks for the replies….seems everyone is holding their cards close….alternatively they think Sydney is not worth buying at the moment??

    Newgen, i like Redfern myself (and Surry Hills) but with my budget of 250K, am probably looking at a hole….

    What can i get in Wollongong, i wonder????


  • iwsctws replied to the topic Sydney – where to invest in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Sorry; hit the wrong button; this topic has been posted earlier; please ignore.

    Have a good day,

