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Hello fellow posters,
Some very interesting posts and comments. Let me throw my two bobs in. I’ve done the LGW Course and i have mixed feelings about it. I think it’s a very good course to get people motivated, buts that’s as far as it goes. There were a lot of misleading comments and some very smart ways of manipulating words.
Shewolf you are pretty close to the dollar there mate! With company and trusts the asset protection is a thing from the past! Anyone can track down who a director of any company is now days.
And for people talking about a developers license. Anyone can obtain this license, costs a couple of grand 3 months and away you go. I obtain one myself.
The parts in the course i found humorous was the section where they put a large figure (i think it was about 65 million when i sat the course) on the white board. Then the exact words are “this is how much our graduates have put under contract". I giggled to myself when this happened. Listen to the words correctly; this is not how much property was purchased. Only putting on contracts ( a offer). Than they go on about the 50k club, why don’t you ask Mr Gilford himself how many graduates have made their 50 grand! If you get a honest answer this will deter anyone from doing this course.
Also if you listen to Luke himself, his words are i personally control 20 million dollars of property. The key word people is “control". not own.
I also no multiple people who are actively pursuing legal action against this course.
So my overall opinion is this is just another gold coast property spruiking course. Motivating people and taking their money. My opinion is spending a couple hundred dollars and go sit down with a property solicitor and you will learn a lot more!