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  • irishbreakfast replied to the topic Is Sasha Hopkins & the A Team Property Group Legit? in the forum Heads Up! 2 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all, a quick update:

    Firstly, I appreciate your heads up and word of caution.

    After your feedback, I did some more digging. My eyes have been opened and I’ve been made aware of a lot of things occurring in recent months involving Sasha and the a team, and it sounds like it was a wise move to not get involved with this mob. For anyone wo…[Read more]

  • irishbreakfast replied to the topic Is Sasha Hopkins & the A Team Property Group Legit? in the forum Heads Up! 2 years, 7 months ago

    Hi all, a quick update:

    Firstly, I appreciate your heads up and word of caution.

    After your feedback, I did some more digging. My eyes have been opened and I’ve been made aware of a lot of things occurring in recent months involving Sasha and the a team, and it sounds like it was a wise move to not get involved with this mob. For anyone wo…[Read more]

  • I’ve been saving up my pennies to invest with Sasha Hopkins @ The A Team Property Group.

    I first came across Sasha a couple of years back through Instagram and Facebook where he does a lot of posts (people seen those?).

    He is apparently a multi-millionaire and made a system which he calls the Hopkins Formula. basically involves getting his h…[Read more]

  • irishbreakfast replied to the topic Thoughts of value…. in the forum Forum Frolic 3 years, 1 month ago

    This is a simple concept, but powerful. There is definitely a complacency tax. Just look at electricity companies, or insurers for example (or slack property managers). Rates keep coming up every year, and then you call up and amazing ‘we can offer you a discount’. Crazy, but a good reminder that diligence almost always pays off hey!

  • irishbreakfast replied to the topic Need help to evict tenants in QLD in the forum Help Needed! 3 years, 1 month ago

    Sorry to hear that Ray!

    As crazy as Steve’s advice sounds, I’ve heard of people having to do similar. It might help to avoid the chances of tenants doing serious property damage?

    Did you have any luck with it? Cheers

  • irishbreakfast changed their profile picture 3 years, 1 month ago

  • irishbreakfast changed their profile picture 3 years, 1 month ago

  • irishbreakfast became a registered member 3 years, 1 month ago


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