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  • ireland replied to the topic Why Positive Rental Cash Flow Doesnt work in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 10 months ago

    Mike please do not think I am critisizing you. I am critisizing your investment strategy. I am trying to save you and others from wasting your time in this slow growth problematic industry. What are your goals? Buying these cheap arse properties are not going to make you a millionare. Ask yourself this – does Kerry Packer have investment…[Read more]

  • ireland replied to the topic Why Positive Rental Cash Flow Doesnt work in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 10 months ago

    I guess I will have to ask the post office to send me all those accumulated repair bills that I don’t know about.And I suppose I’m going to re-screen all those tenants I thought were good.They’ve only been there for 2yr ave.I never picked up that they were all shitheads.The things you learn on this forum.If this info level keeps up Steve…

    [Read more]

  • ireland replied to the topic Why Positive Rental Cash Flow Doesnt work in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 10 months ago

    Mikey old boy. You are as naive as the rest of the people in this forum. I ask you this. You say you don’t care if the place falls down – well I would be there goes your investment. I’ll use an analogy for you to understand what you are doing. You are shopping at the $2 shop buying cheap products that seem fantastic for the price. What…[Read more]


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