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  • insider replied to the topic A new Strategy ? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Yes I have heard of them. They do LO’s. Hmmm not to sure about the furniture package. They are thinking outside of the square though. I think as long as the purchasers can afford the repayments why not.

  • insider replied to the topic Seeking Joint Venture partners in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Save up build equity b4 you buy another house. hmmm if you want to buy 1 house a year go for it. If you want to buy 50-100 a year you will have to start thinking outside of the square. I do JV’s but I have 100% of the pie. As I said think outside the square.

  • insider replied to the topic Investing in 2nd mortagages in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Exmaple – We buy a 2nd Mortgage (paper) for $20K yielding 15% which is $3000.00 pa. Now lets say we managed to pick the note up for $5K?? We are now making $3K on $5K or 60% + we get paid a our balloon payment in 5 years of $20K which = 300%

    We could alternatively sell the note for $15K to an investor which would bring the yield up to 20%. We…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic Investing in 2nd mortagages in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    The only way to make good money in 2nd mortgages is to buy & sell discounted paper. You can make quite a healthy living out of it. Buy discounted paper eliminates a lot of the risk associated with 2nd mortgages. Not really a strategy I would recommend for the beginner.

  • insider replied to the topic excuse me insider in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Richmond, I should have said, I will be in control 50-100 properties.

    Battz anyone can sign a contract. You may run into trouble though if you can’t flip it to someone b4 settlement.

  • insider replied to the topic Low income – is there hope for us? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Sorry I didn’t even read your message. I only read is there jope for us. Thats all I need to hear. I don’t even have a job & I have bought 4 houses and plan to buy another 50 by this time next year. Of course there is hope but it is stil hard work.

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    You asked for it:-
    Michael Marcus – Over a 10 Year period he multiplied his company account 2500 fold.

    Bruce Kovner – In 1987 alone, he scored profits in excess of $300 million. Two thousand dollars invested with Kovner in early 1978 would be worth $1,000,000 ten years later.

    Richard Dennis – Dennis bought a seat at an exchange for $1200…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Joff – You say that you are now on your way thanks to advice from your broker. Mate your broker will not make you rich, otherwise he wouldn’t be sitting there behind his desk. The only way to do it is educate yourself of seek out a private trader with a long track record of successful year trading. You would also want to have some understanding…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Warren Buffett does not sell the stock. He will only sell the stock if the fundamentals of the business have changed, not if the price has gone up.

    Matt, I ask you this, what has happened to the price of the stock once you find out the fundamentals have changed?? The directors know b4 the public which means the price has already declined…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    MAtt I knew someone was going to bring warren buffet into the picture. If you can try and tell me about another very successful (multi-millionaire) who uses fundamental analysis successfully. Warren Buffet did not just buy stocks. He was the majority share holder so he could go in and build the company that’s why he is so rich. Mum & dads &…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Ez-rent you said that finding under-valued stocks & over valued stocks is key. Sorry but I must disagree. Sausage software was overvalued at 20cents. What did that end up trading at?? The underlying analysis of picking under-valued & over valued stocks is fundamental analysis which in my opinion does not work.

    This is some of the reasons…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Sorry about the grammer/spelling mistakes. If only I went to uni for 4 years and obtained that degree I may be able to proof read. Hmmm I think I would just rather not waste the time and make money instead.

  • insider replied to the topic List Why Property Beats Shares in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    What an interesting topic and something I wouldn’t mind commenting as I have a good knowledge of both investing strategies. Please people I don’t mean to sound blunt but am trying to be as blunt, objective and truthful as possible.

    Wayne – You say that the stockmarket has historically returned 13% PA over the last X years. You also say bring…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic Lending?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I forgot something. In steve’s book he talks about buying power. He says that the fact that the houses you buy are positively, geared your buying power should increase as you can meet servicability requirements. But will the banks keep lending to you when you are buying in small towns?? And you still have exposure issues to contend…[Read more]

  • insider replied to the topic NZ car rentals?? Mini in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Mini my email address is

  • insider replied to the topic Margeret Lomas bags Steve at expo in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well, well, well miss lomas is a poppy cutter as well. People seem to dislike what they don’t know, don’t understand & can’t do.

  • insider replied to the topic Future Property Bust in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Why did god make so many economists??
    Because then at least one would be right.

  • insider replied to the topic Trust Replication – Straight Answer?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    They still look at your exposure regardless of whether it is positive cash-flow or not.

  • insider replied to the topic probs with nz web sites and addresses in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Westan are you from AUs?? Whats forcing the move to NZ?? I am going over there in 6-8 weeks once my company & trust is set up over there. Have you got work organised over there?? I am thinking of moving over there myself. I wouldn’t mind having a chat if you have got the time.

    My email is

  • insider replied to the topic Trust Replication – Straight Answer?? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    How does Steve get away with it then?? There must be away around it if he is doing it.

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