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  • IMAC replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    BIRD FLU !!!!!

    All the best. Imac.
    Dear IMAC,

    1. Why?

    2. Are you starting to feel terrified by it now yourself as an Singapore-based expatriate?

    3. Why not the threat of dengue fever when some 14 people have reportedly died of dengue fever in Singapore so far and areas like Changi is also known to be one…[Read more]

  • IMAC replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,
    Great to see all the good posts about Singapore.

    I still think the market is too risky for my type of shopping. Maybe the BIG end of town will do ok in the long term. Did anyone buy into Costa Del Sol a few years back. On the East Coast near Bayshore?? The place is only 50% inhabited (about 400 units all up)and when I went there last year…[Read more]

  • IMAC replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Hi All & meilin08,

    I am an Aussie living in Singapore the last 4 years and have been here previous during the “crazy” days.
    This is a market that I am not brave enough to get into….too many rules can be changed overnight. I see the neverending building of Condos just goes on forever. In good times prices up 40%. in bad times down 50%. They are…[Read more]


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