ikana2010 replied to the topic Is it worth it to invest this way? Many thanks for all the help I can get!!!! ED in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi Guys,Thanks for all the excellent comments posted here, especially from Richard. The reason I am not paying off the mortgage is due to the fact I am actually in a fixed interest home loan instead of the variable home loan, we optioned to fix our home loan just 5 months before all the interest rises, I always thought I have made a good de…[Read more]
ikana2010 replied to the topic Is it worth it to invest this way? Many thanks for all the help I can get!!!! ED in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 6 months ago
Oh by the way, I just dug my loan documentations out and the loan we are able to secure is called a Low Doc Loan, the bank are not able to do that on the traditional loan because $25000 of my income are through small business. But since we are wtih the bank for a few years and our mortgage are also with them. They gave us a life time discount of…[Read more]