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  • Iceman replied to the topic To Jump in Head First or Only Feet First? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago


    Given property investing is new to you and you stated at this stage you are not all that familiar with subdivision/handyman etc, I would only recommend purchasing one out of the two properties to begin with. After you become comfortable with the process, move on to your second, third etc etc.

    I live in WA and believe there is certainly…[Read more]

  • Iceman replied to the topic Should I get out of the deal ? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Gday 111111,

    I agree with HWD007 on this one. I dont know if it will cost you $100 per week, however the costs will certainly run into the 000’s and on a personal note, if I was told that inspections were required biannually, I would certainly walk away ( hope this doesnt cause more confusion for you, just offering what I think is sound…[Read more]


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