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  • icarus1 replied to the topic Buying at Auction – Name on Contract?? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    The answer for Victoria is yes you have and or nominee at the end of the purchasers name. However there are now serious stamp duty issues with using a nominee clause in Vic and if you are not careful you might be up for double stamp duty. Best to check it out with a solicitor

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Martin Ayles in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I was always taught that when considering advice ask the following two questions;

    1. Who are you?
    2. What have you done?

    Those that are critical and dismissive of Martin and his approach let me know if you have been more succesful then Martin and if so when you are going to be holding seminars as I would be interested in attending. If not , is…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Developing in BERWICK, Victoria in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    He was processing the application however his lanscape plan needed a boost so i ended up with having to get a landscape architect involved. My costs were;

    $1000 draughtsmen
    $1600 sewer plan
    $2000 stormwater plan
    $1200 landscape architect

    That includes the feature level survey. Unfortunately the guy is in the country so cant do stuff in…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Developing in BERWICK, Victoria in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I am currently in the process of developing 5 units. I found a builder who’s design i liked got a price from them and then found a draughtsman to site the buildings on the land and prepare the application. The whole process cost $1000 total for the 5 units plus council application fees. Do some ringing around it can be less daunting then you think

  • icarus1 replied to the topic How much to build 3 villa/units? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    You will be pushing to get 3 3 br with dlug that are single storey.

    An excellent builder in the area is Paulding Constructions or Rodian homes and if you are looking for a good town planner/designer/surveyors call Taylors Development Strategists 95012800

    If you speak to them they will give you a good indication of costs. I would of thought that…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic I’m New in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi Rayson

    I am an REA and only sell development sites. My sites are rarely sold in the local paper, Here in Melbourne we use the Age on Saturday under vacant land or investments commercial. I also do developing so I understand your frustration 99% of REA have no understanding of development and the costs involved and therefore often in their…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Subdivision and development order in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    The deal is skinny, as it is only 11% margin however the experience you gain is something that cannot be valued.

    We all have to start somewhere so good luck

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Are there more rules to get 3 on instead of 2? in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    The rules are the same, work on 400 sqm per unit and check the councils DPO for the area, even if it says that it is okay for medium or high density check that there are no new strategic plans for the area as i know one council where this will happen and those that have purchased will come unstuck. Note a good development site where you will make…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Agents acting in the interests of their vendor in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I understand that we all want to buy something for less then market value its human nature. However let me tell you why i dont stuff around

    1. Property 1 5 unit site i bought at full ask 80k i could have sold it for 125k the day after i bought it however i decided to develop it myself and have already sold 1 unit off the plan. we will end up…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Agents acting in the interests of their vendor in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    As an agent and a buyer of real estate i can see why you have tales of woe. I sell only development sites and most of the buyers understand that there is no point in playing games. These are seaosoned professionals who do plenty of deals. Sometimes they pay above the asking price…If you were prepared to pay more why didnt you offer more in…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic property development in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Ron
    I think it is great that you are looking to do your first development. I have done a few and beleive that when you accomplish it you will realise that property development is fairly simple if you follow some rules

    1. Get a good planner if in Victoria try Taylors Development Strategists 95012800
    2. If in a metro area use one of the big…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic $400k windfall, what would you do? in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    I would recommend a 911 porsche because at 200K an hour down a quiet road if you make a mistake you dont need to worry about what to do anymore some other person will need to work out how to spend your hard earned.


  • icarus1 replied to the topic Subdivisions in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    Hi fluffy if you are in victoria contact me I specialise in selling land that is suitable for subdivison Its not as hard as it appears but unless you know all the pitfalls it can be risky


  • icarus1 replied to the topic qld developments, beginner! Needs a start! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I think its a shame that some people denigrate others on a public forum and think we are interested. I have never had dealings with Michael Yardney but know plenty of developers and agents that have and guess what, i have never heard a bad word.

    I think the individual who posted such nasty replies should own up and put them in writing to…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic agent not presenting vendor with offer in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    As an agent and buyer I can see the frustration from both sides. Firstly investors are a high priority in any agency as you would hope that you receive the property back to manage. If a written offer with deposit (needed for consideration to form a contract) is done then only a fool would not present the offer. The agent may fudge the owners…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Melbourne 2030 in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    For those that owned acreage in res 1 land it made them instant millionaires. I sold a property where the owner paid 180K in 2001 and i sold it for 1.35mill six months ago. Council certainly make it hard as they prefer to overturn large unit developments even if their own town planners are supportive

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Subdivide or Land already divided? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I agree with michaels comments, i specialise in selling development sites and i have seen huge developers get caught and do their money if the experts run into touble you need to really know what you are doing i have seen one developer lose over 2 mill to a problem with a growling frog.

    good luck

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Problem with RE agents in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    as an agent the best deals i come across get offered to our loyal clients and the ones we have a relationship with. if you have problems with an agent it is because either they dont take you seriously or you have not built up a relationship with them. why not settle on one or two areas and deal with a few agents and tell them to call you as soon…[Read more]

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Frankston hunt – property types in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    What you should consider is the relative opportunity of each i know the area very well and would say that carrum downs is the most undervalued (note i own an agency in Carrum Downs) call me on 97829977 as i specialise in development if you like
    cheers bill

  • icarus1 replied to the topic Insiders perspective in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    No I recently sold 3 properties all in Auckland and am waiting for a price adjustment and then I will buy up big. I tend to be more interested in doing developments and syndications today. I am still positive on the Oz market especially as people are talking doom and gloom If i was to buy out of Auckland my big tip would be whangarei or…[Read more]

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