ianjackyinvest replied to the topic Using newly set up SMSF to buy/invest in commercial offices in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Richard have you launched your Ebook yet?
ianjackyinvest replied to the topic Using newly set up SMSF to buy/invest in commercial offices in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Apologies my LOC comment is based on using my SMSF and using external funding for part of it. SMSF 40% and external for the LVR.
ianjackyinvest replied to the topic Using newly set up SMSF to buy/invest in commercial offices in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Scott thanks for coming back, we are 47 and 48. I am contributing around $3k per month at the momet into SMSF from salary and my wife $400 per month.
ianjackyinvest replied to the topic Using newly set up SMSF to buy/invest in commercial offices in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Thanks Richard we seem to have two steams going in a couple of forums, appreciate your help. What is your experience with lenders do you have any to suggest for first time MSF users, especially with my idea in mind. I am sitting with a couple of guys recommended in Melbourne by my accountant in early Jan to put a 3-5 and 10 year Plan in place.…[Read more]
ianjackyinvest replied to the topic SMSF, Commerical Property, Own Business, Long-Term Growth in the forum So in my case I would like 13 years ago
So in my case I would like to buy a 42sqm office for 190k and you are suggesting I may be able t secure 70% LVR and use the balance out of my SMSF, plus have my wife’s company rent the office from the Trustee.
ianjackyinvest replied to the topic SMSF, Commerical Property, Own Business, Long-Term Growth in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Guys can I ask a question from someone looking to do a similar thing, see “Help Needed” posting today. If TikTok is using SMSF to purchase the property is there not a criteria that states most lenders will not provide more than 60% of the LVR which means that TikTok needs a minimum of $150k which he does not have in the fund, plus I was led to…[Read more]