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  • ianderson replied to the topic 11.5% Yield on 50K property, need equity… in the forum Finance 19 years, 8 months ago

    sorry about that lovely signature,



    0403 044 660

  • ianderson replied to the topic 11.5% Yield on 50K property, need equity… in the forum Finance 19 years, 8 months ago

    Dear MM,

    Responding to your reply last night:

    It is easy to get a loan for this property if it is zoned residential and the town has 10,000 people. No mortgage insurance will apply if you have a substantial deposit. I would still like to know how much deposit you have before I can tell you which product is available.

    I did a low doc,…[Read more]

  • ianderson replied to the topic 11.5% Yield on 50K property, need equity… in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    Perhaps this excerpt taken from an email from my accountant’s mortgage broker will shed some light on the situation:

    ‘The finance we considered for you had to be under a “lo doc” scenario, as
    you did not have two years full personal and company taxation returns. The
    major stumbling block was the “mortgage insurer” would not recognise the
    town as…[Read more]

  • ianderson replied to the topic 11.5% Yield on 50K property, need equity… in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks guys,

    There is no problem with putting down a decent deposit, it’s the fact that I am self employed and cannot produce the required financials. Am currently speaking with a branch of my bank located in this town, hoping for a more desirable result.

    Unfortunately as the banks don’t want to speak to me at this stage, I think my best option…[Read more]


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