Hi sv, You are not olbliged to, but IMO you as the the landlord should have to pay for this, as it should be considered a chatel or capital item exclusive to your property. This doesnt help you but as a landlord myself, several councils in Melb supply at no charge one per household and approx $60-$80 thereafter, but you do have to sign a stat dec. stating that it has been stolen/damage by a thrid party.
Hi carol, if its any help. I have purchased several times over the years becuase I drove past a property that had a board on it, that I may have normally missed. Interior pics help too!
Simple. depending on land size and dimensions, my opinion says to demo house, build (and subdivide). I often do it and (without knowing the area) I'm pretty confident you'll make more profit in the long run using this method. You wont get much (if any) money for the removal of an old house (unless there is specific or rare fixtures/fittings). Keep in mind that demos can cost (in Vic anyway) anywhere between $8-12k (depending on degree of difficulty and size. But I would think that the assumption of $150k per house may be under stating the planning/design/build costs for a decent size houses or units. Hope this helps a little. Cheers Hutch
Hi pirate, no answers? Hmm….Maybe the questions are a bit generic (no approx figures, cash flow / income positions, locations) and with very little information for people to be able to help properly. But I will give it a go!
I remember when I bought my small 2nd IP (about 5 yrs ago) I set some personal goals and researched a specific are that I knew well and had confidence in. I personally base all my purchases on certain factors/questions, a few being (in no particular order); A) Potential for growth for that area/suburb in 3-5 years (so I can draw down on the equity and keep the momentum in my investing). Rather than wait 7-10 while the grass grows greener. Are we able to maintain repayments and overheads (with income/cash flow/rent etc..) in all current market climates? C) What can I do to this property to make money out of it in 12-18 months apart from rent it out? I personally prefer not to do reno's. D) Buying for sub-divi or development potential only (This works for me, but may not be your bag as it has a higher risk component). E) Don’t try and fit a square peg in a round hole. If the numbers don’t stack up, move on. F) Everyone has differing “right” times to buy. For me it’s as soon as I’m able. While these factors are not rocket science or anything new, I do try and stick to them with each one. As far as taking the step? Due diligence while educating your-self and just doing it (within reason and without being irresponsible). It gets easier with each one in terms of knowing what will work for you and what won’t. Slowly building a track record (over 6+ years for me) of investing has especially been easier on my relationship with my bank manager.
Hi em, I can recommend Slidders Lawyers. They specialise and deal in property, building/construction law. 318 King St. Melbourne Ph; 9640 0002 Web: http://www.slidders.com.au
Hi Orien, I can recommend Slidders Lawyers. They specialise and deal in property, building/construction law. 318 King St. Melbourne Ph; 9640 0002 Web: http://www.slidders.com.au
Hi Orien, I can recommend Slidders Lawyers. They specialise and deal in property, building/construction law. 318 King St. Melbourne Ph; 9640 0002 Web: http://www.slidders.com.au
Unfortunately the full responsibility is on you Winzer to inspect these areas and not take anyone's "word for it". Having said that, for peace of mind, I would definitely contact the Principal in charge at the RE office and voice your disapproval at being verbally mislead.
Why cant you get in contact with the original vendor and/or solicitor and explain the situation to them? You would be unlucky if their lawyers went broke and closed up shop as well.
Agreed, it will definitely add value in this circumstance over and above your small outlay. Don't forget child fencing costs and permits (if applicable) in your area!
Hi crashy do you have any hard evidence of all these points of misconduct (written, photographic or video etc.)? If not, they will see it as your word against theirs and you don't have a case. A civil administrative tribunal avenue may be the best option as they will hear your case (state REI or VCAT etc..) for little, or no cost.
Why not keep them and draw down against the large equity you have in these 2 IPs? Me…I would not sell these at all in the near future unless you feel that you absolutely, positively cannot get by.
I'm confused too wealth4life………Ramblings. Take a breath. What is your point exactly? That you are an expert with battle-scars and we are all too young and dumb to understand? This whole forum is full of opinions that are not facts, just opinions. We all have been watching the negative media and doom and gloom on the news and I don't buy into it for one second. The original question was, is the current stock-market crash likely to have a flow on effect to property in 2007 and beyond ????
hi crashy great timing because my American friend (living here now) and I were arguing about this over a beer yesterday! He says that in the states, there is no direct correlation between the two and that there shouldn’t be in Australia either. I disagreed with him about this (for the Oz market at least). I was bought up on the old adage that “When stocks are flying, developers are buying. When stocks are bellying, developers are selling" !
BTW: A couple of beers never really help the argument either
Yes barney if any profit is made on any sale, it would be subject to the CGT scale. Percentage payable will depend on if its through a trust or just your name. H
Here Here beaniemonster! "It is not my place as a landlord to listen to stories of why the rent can't / isn't being paid. I'm sure someone out there will not agree with this hard approach, but business is business."
Don't put up with it. I'm also sick of hearing a new "Once upon a Time" story from some of my tenants, in a different marketplace it may be a different story, but right now………..
gee reeco, No one is holding a gun to your head to do the program. I thought you said that you definitely put things in perspective? Education across the board can cost alot more than this and I agree it is all relative to how you use it (no quitters or whingers need apply!). Have you forgotten that's it is a min 12 month program??
My theory was that's about $625 per month max. Yes it's alot, but so is the disposable income that we spend on crap! Property Investing is not a hobby, the stakes are high and you need to be educated in some form or another. How you do that is up to you. I do know that If I wanted to get into the stockmarket tomorrow, I would be doing everything in my power to get an education before I spent a cent on a share. It sounds as if already talked yourself out of it anyway. So you you may have answered you own questions.
(FYI: After doing a few IPs in 2003/04. I decided to do the very first Premium program (05/06) and while it challenged the hell of of me, I haven't look back. But I never looked to blame anyone but myself it I didn't get anything out of it ).