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  • Profile photo of hshah12hshah12
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8
    crj wrote:

    Have you settled? 

    Yes the property is settled. We found out about the covenant after the settlement once we started talking to the town planners etc for the sub division project.

    Profile photo of hshah12hshah12
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8
    Terryw wrote:
    Never trust a real estate agent. and never use a conveyancer. It is your responsibilities to check these things.

    I understand what you are saying however you would appreacite that it is not easy or even possible for an inexperienced person who is buying their first home to understand the nitty grity of a section 32 or/and all the legal language found on a house contract. So at the end of the day you will have to rely on people like agent/solictor/conveyancer etc, or  aleast thats what we used to believe up until now.

    Setting aside taking any action against the agent,, is there any way we can still subdivide this land, build a second dwelling or have this covenant removed without approaching the Supreme court or finding and approaching the convenant beneficiaries for a no objection ltr(as per our solicitor).

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    Profile photo of hshah12hshah12
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8

    Dazzling, why do you say that any depost thats made towards the loan will make the property cf negative?

    Iam very new to all this, i used to think the more the deposit the better. you pay the laon off sooner, the lesser the interest etc etc. obviously there is more to it???

    Profile photo of hshah12hshah12
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8

    Thanks guys for all your advices–you all have been great so far in helping this newbie.

    From your responses i do understand now that selling the house in 2 yrs time wont yeild any profits what so ever.That make lot of sense.

    Now considering i would not sell it and would rent it out when i leave(as per yous advices)–which suburs out of list below do yous think have more potential both in CF and CG? Suburs that fit in my budget are:

    1) Cranbourne
    2) Noble park
    3) Springvale
    4) Frankston (to less extent)

    i can only look for 1 or 2(if i push it;)) bedroom UNITS. i know nobody can predict future but given that you all are so experienced and deal with this sort of stuff day in day out, i expect some knowledgable and fruitful reponses:)

    Profile photo of hshah12hshah12
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8

    Thanks for your reply simon. There is no particular reason why i want to sell of the property when i leave–may be because i think that managing a property from another country would be hard, but then iam just new at all this.

    By the way whats the average increase in property price in an average suburb a yr, 10%- 15% is it? help guys?:)

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