hschmid replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
nicolas_b, I remember going to a seminar where the headline presenter was introduced as a guy worth 25 million so I paid close attention.
A lot of what he said made no sense and I couldn’t believe his position of wealth.
I then discovered that he inherited 50 million 2 years prior.
I am sure though that your unencumbered property in Neutral Bay…[Read more]
hschmid replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Hi all, I just read this very interesting report
It’s fresh, very current… and Australian!
hschmid replied to the topic Is the world going broke! in the forum General Property 15 years ago
here is the media watch review
hschmid replied to the topic Is the world going broke! in the forum General Property 15 years ago
hschmid replied to the topic Just lost our buyer! :( in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Bollocks???? I was told this by a panel valuer (the horses mouth).
I agree with your sentiments about the market though.
I am a bear and I think there is a dangerous bubble in the works.
If I were lending my money, I would tell my valuers to drop their figure by 30% (not 5% to 10%).
hschmid replied to the topic Just lost our buyer! :( in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Some valuers come from well outside the target area and only go on past sales in the area as their guide.
Then some drop 5% to 10% to cover their butt.
We know that the major banks (Westpac & Commonwealth particularly) have a huge chunk of their money tied up in residential loans.
They don’t really want much more and we suspect that they will…[Read more]
hschmid replied to the topic AMO? anyone with experience or feedback? in the forum My experiences have been 15 years ago
My experiences have been positive. Robert Projeski owns them and he contributes on Fox business.
Worth a call
hschmid replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum Another interesting article 15 years ago
Another interesting article in todays SMH
hschmid replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum We meet developers and 15 years ago
We meet developers and investors all the time.
One client bought 15 x 3 bedroom executive apartments in northern beaches Sydney (off-the-plan) with the view of selling for a profit before settlement.
They have a current (May 2010) HTW valuation for 935k each
He cannot find buyers and with completion around the corner, he is becoming…[Read more]
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Hi Elol, Mortgage House is one of my clients who are currently expanding.
I associate with several aggregators / sub aggregators and mortgage managers.
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
From what I understand, Aussie does not pay you any trailing commissions until you achieve 20 million worth of settlements.
In other business models this could be $30,000 of missed annual income and worth $60,000 to $90,000 in resale value.
Register your interest on my site (below) and I will send you a bunch of stuff
hschmid replied to the topic This is Must see for iPhone users in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
I think this is the platform and council records are added re development.
hschmid replied to the topic This is Must see for iPhone users in the forum thanks banker, looks great. 15 years ago
thanks banker, looks great. Just downloaded
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Just a bit of testosterone. Nothing personal
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
BTW, cert 1V is just the bare minimum start of the education.
I agree that by itself it is way insufficient.
Mortgage Broking is a career with ongoing training, field mentoring and support.
2 years mentoring is now the norm
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Looks like i am being dragged into a p*ssing contest.
We spend more time mentoring accountants, financial planners, property marketers, school teachers, ex corporate executives than truck drivers and brickies labourers.
So lets adjust the image of a new broker (you were also once new to the industry, remember).
It would be argumentative and…[Read more]
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Hi Banker, we like ‘new blood’ because they have no reference points from the glory days.
Many ‘experienced’ brokers have a tumour about what was and what is.
Our training systems and technology can help newbies become confident and competent.
It helps when they are the RIGHT candidate to start with.
I agree with the truck driver analogy, and…[Read more]
hschmid replied to the topic Using my current home to invest in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
I agree, sounds like you do not work anymore!
Getting finance might be the next step.
hschmid replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Maybe you could do a better job yourself?
hschmid replied to the topic Home Loans – Whose Best? – Big Banks? Or Building Societies/Credit Unions???? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
No we recruit and induct new brokers.
Our latest partnership is with Mortgage House who are looking for Brand Partners.
No franchise fees and no joining fees
There is a video explanation on this link.
If you are a banker exploring your options, this may suit.
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