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  • houselmp replied to the topic Stepping up to development in the forum Heads Up! 15 years, 3 months ago

    I found Martin Ayles helpfulcheersHouselmp

  • houselmp replied to the topic has anyone done a martin ayles workshop? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Give90I went to one of Martin Ayles seminars for 2 days in 2007 in Adelaide and I got my money back + heaps more on my on my first development. He gives you clear and detail explanations. He starts with how to purchase a property and to identify development opportunities, dangers to avoid etc. He then goes to expain all the steps of the de…[Read more]

  • houselmp replied to the topic End Of Financial Year/Tax Questions in the forum General Property 16 years, 6 months ago

    Hi MareeThis has nothing to do with travel to your investment home. We had a PPOR which later became an investment property. Now we are deciding to sell it. Since it was years ago, I am finding it difficult to estimate how much it was worth from the time it became an investment property. For if we sell, I believe we only pay capital gains on that…[Read more]

  • houselmp replied to the topic RESULTS mentoring in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 7 months ago

    To those afraid to commit to the RESULTS program, You get what you put into it.We did RESULTS 2 and then I did the graduate program.Was it worth it – Yes it was.   We were one of the slow ones – did one deal – buy -subdivide -renovate the existing and sell and build and rent the new building. The outcome far exceeds what we have spent – yes we…[Read more]

  • houselmp replied to the topic Universal Events – Fast and lasting success with NLP in the forum Heads Up! 16 years, 10 months ago

    I have been to Chris Howard's "breakthrough to freedom" and will do it again at some stage. I found it great and it helped me overcome a lot of my negative self talk and fears with investing and loss of money. This has freed me to concentrate and achieve what I want. It has helped me on all fronts – I am a better person. His goal planning is very…[Read more]

  • houselmp replied to the topic New Bathroom or makeover? in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 7 months ago

    Last year we did a minor reno on our IP shower base and tiles by resurfacing. The guy who did our job is in the Eastern surburbs of Melbourne – “Baths and More”. Our shower base looked really bad and the tiles were old and a few chipped. he repaired the replaced the old tiles – did minor repair job on the base and the re-sprayed the entire shower.…[Read more]


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