One needs to think of whether they want security or freedom and whether they are investing based on opinion or fact.
Myself, I want to have the freedom to do what I want to do and base my investments on fact. I will know how much I will get per month from +CF (fact) and have the freedom to do what I want when I…[Read more]
Sounds like you should have done the numbers first before you bought it as you may well be coughing up a bit every month. At least you took action and you’ll learn and do better next time.
What about selling it on a lease/option?
Or how about seeing what depreciation you can get and an ITWV done to vary you tax taken out of your pay and you…[Read more]
Qualified civil engineer (doesn’t mean I’m nice[angry2]) and worked for 15 years, 9 of that in government (dead end) and 6 in private with the last 6 months setting up and working for my own small company (real fun).
That pays the bills.
Like to think myself as a property invester as it’s more interesting to people and even more fun making money…[Read more]
Trying to make money out of 2-4% yields is impossible.
Think outside the square and there are plenty of ways to make money in a downward, upward, sideway and every which way property market. Not just B&H but plenty others……….
All depends on how the LO is set up, each is different. It is your deal so it is your rules. Say 10-50% depending on how long they’ve been there, 10% in year 1 to 50% in year 5.[buz2]
Acts as an incentive to eventually cash you out and not just stick your toe in the water and try it out. If so, they should stick to plain…[Read more]
I don’t know about anyone else, but can you eat a house?[blink] Can it feed you?
It’s funny reading books like Steve’s which is really based on CF+ to let you retire early because the houses allow you to eat from the CF+ but a lot of the word on these forums are saying it’s too hard and use CF- to create wealth.
Can anybody guarentee that in writing?[eh] They won’t because they can’t.[thumbsdownanim
All you can be certain about is today, anything in the future is literally fortune telling. Ok if it comes off, and it has lately and more than likely will, but I would rather be creaming it each and every month now than having to pay out of my own pocket…[Read more]
That is correct. Regionals can give more CF+ and they are “up north”.[withstupid]
There is enough fat [biggrin] to allow for rates going south.[angry2]
I’m of the thought that money put in your pocket now is a hell of a lot better than praying that your $50 $100 or what ever you fork out of your own pocket may be worth some thing…[Read more]
You are basicly buying on a gamble that prices will go up (they generally do but can anyone tell what the price of a property will be in 12 months, impossible).[thumbsdownanim
Unless you manage to CF+ it you are just plain gambling with lots of money. I’d rather get a cut every month and there are places…[Read more]
Originally posted by redwing:
Holiday area for Kalgoorlie miners as far as i know, very slow in the ‘Off” season..But ‘yes’ some activity there at the moment on development far as i know..
Wow! Have they moved Exmouth? Last time I checked, Kalgoorlie was 600 clicks east of Perth and Exmouth 1200 odd clicks north…[Read more]
All this discussion about -ve gearing is all good and fine when you can claim a deduction against all your LOSSES, but this assumes that it will last forever.
I recall reading one of the RDPD books about the US govt removing negative gearing and then the bottom fell out of the market because of all the people losing $1 to make 50c had to get out.…[Read more]
Actually flew up there and spent a day looking at the town and looking at what your dollar can get and your returns when I got my first 2. Must have given him the impression that I meant business or something cause he is on the blower as soon as there is a property that fits my criteria.
Negative gearing can not save you money. By it’s very function you have to lose $1 and hope to get back at most about half that! You are still in the hole.
Negative gearing will only pay off if you have a guarenteed capital growth. Easy to predict now, but could head south at any time in the future, anyone’s guess.