Hot property replied to the topic Property Trusts in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Can someone out there help me I need a Property accountant in Brisbane Gold or Sunshine coast if anyone could recommend.I have a commercial building in a trust…don’t know what type and wanting to buy more but I need someone who can help me set stuff up wiselyThanks
Hot property replied to the topic Property Trusts in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Sorry GOM missed your last post.Yes a DFT incurs Land Tax in Qld also.The following link may assist you in understanding more about the ATO audit of HDT's property replied to the topic Investing what it tax can i claim in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Katies007 wrote:
HiJust need a little help .We have purchased an IP last year, and currently putting around $200 pw towards it which covers mortgage, body corps rates and water, now i understand whatever we put towards it we can claim so much back at the end of the tax year but is it just a percentage of what we paid as i have read if you…[Read more]Hot property replied to the topic 4 green houses, 1 red hotel in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement guys. I’ll let you know how I progress with my next venture.
Good is the enemy of best!
Hot property replied to the topic 4 green houses, 1 red hotel in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Just wondering if there is something wrong with me.
I have only just started on this investment journey…but I started with a commercial property. Its leased for 10 years at three times my morgage payments…..Is this called beginners luck and I shouldnt be in the commercial game till I have gained experience with…[Read more]Hot property replied to the topic High Yield Properties in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Ok so if I bought a commmercial property for $150,000 and rent it for $600 a week does that give me a yield of 20% ?
Good is the enemy of best!
Hot property replied to the topic High Yield Properties in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hey I’m dumbo the new elephant
Just starting to study this facinating occupation of investment property…could someone tell me what this yield is you are all talking about and how do you calculate it to know what percentage you will get when viewing a property????still very green [puke]
Hot property replied to the topic Request Seminar for Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Yes I am all for that…..I missed out and am on a not looking too positive waiting list. Would love a conference day here in Brissy