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  • Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    You sure can.
    L.A Aussie has it correct.

    Enjoy the cash! [cigar]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    My 20 cents!

    Medium prices seem to move first in the inner suburbs. This then trickles out to the outer suburbs.
    Rental market seems to do the same.

    Exceptions will be noted in every case but i believe this to be generally correct.

    Have fun! [biggrin]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    From the information you have supplied a good MB should be able to help you out with that one.

    All the best! [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Hope she got a +ve CF property in the extreme

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    A buyers agent could be of use to you for locating a property that fits within your criteria.
    A property manager could then be useful for arranging a tenant etc.
    Choose a buyers agent carefully and hopefully it will be a great longstanding relationship.

    Have fun [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    I think that boat is sailed. Maybe I will be wrong.


    Options trader and property intvestor. 0418 106 613

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    I agree with how Bridgebuff has put it.
    The real question is, what is your goal?

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    When you purchased the block what did you intend to do with it?

    By the way thats a nice part of Queensland with a decent rental market.

    All the best

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    My 20 cents.

    I would go interest only in your situation also.

    The benifets of IO over P&I are numerous. Firstly, holding the property costs less. When you pay back the principle on an investment property only the interest payments are tax deductible.

    Either way you go have a great time in the UK.

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Hi PosEnterprises,

    My first 2 houses were ‘renovators delights’ and I did very very well out of them, and still do.

    I think it is a great way to start as not only do you have the opportunity to increase the value significantly but you will learn a lot more than you will believe.

    Make sure you don’t renovate a dog in a dog street. Pay the little more and look for one in a great area.
    Let us know how you go.

    All the best! [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Hi Quicksilv,

    I would go the cheaper house, if any.
    Your idea of your “Dream House” will change so many more times as your life and circumstances change.
    Investing and income are important but control of expenditure is worth some thought..

    Have fun! [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83


    My 20 cents.
    I would have the property valued to its MAAAXXX and then use the equity to play Monopoly.
    Which ever way you go the main point is to make sure your next investment is sound.

    Good luck! [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    0 to 260+ in 7 years is a great book.

    I do believe that your psychology is as important as any technique that can be learned so I therefore recommend any books of Wayne Dyer.

    But for me the most influencing books were; “Think and Grow Rich” and “Acres of Diamonds”

    Hope this helps! [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83


    Well, it is harder now to find +CF properties but not impossible.
    In my opinion good property investors solve problems that most can not.
    You have just outlined one, have a go!

    Best of luck.

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Firstly the idea that a fund manager has any more of an idea than a novice is funny in itself. Yes some do well one year and then not the next. Someone always shows up with some fund manager that made massive returns LAST YEAR, the problem is so many only track the index after fees.

    I would suggest you invest in an area that you have an interest.
    Maybe you need to invest some on your education.

    Keep it real. [specool]

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Happy New Year to you all.

    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    I sort of agree with the others but dont give up on your dreams even if your job is ‘safe with perks’ – – YUCK!
    Work out what you want and move forward with focus.


    Profile photo of HookhamCHookhamC
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 83

    Always ‘looking’ and still buying [thumbsupanim]
    Happy New Year!!

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