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  • hobartchic replied to the topic 50% owner – ensuring payment in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    Have you thought about selling the property with your brother? Or selling your half to your brother?

  • hobartchic replied to the topic Stock Market in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    You could place money into your super fund and ensure that it is a diversified portfolio including shares. I would consider hedging my bets in super with money invested in property, shares (australian and overseas), cash (international and australian) among other things. This would be a lower risk way to invest in shares and less likely to…[Read more]

  • hobartchic replied to the topic Where to Begin?? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    Hi Heather,
    Why not use the 100k for retirement? You have your house paid off. If you take out a mortgage, which you will inevitably have to, your home could be lost. Seek independent paid advice from a financial advisor who can advise on the risks and benefits of this. Remember a house that can not be rented out, or sold, is worth little and…[Read more]

  • hobartchic replied to the topic What should I do with 100K? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    I should also add that there may be legal issues related to property renovating and investing. Seek paid independant legal and financial advice.

  • hobartchic replied to the topic What should I do with 100K? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    Negative gearing means you are losing money. Putting money into anything with the plan to lose money is not an investment, it is always a planned loss and not something that makes sense to me. With 100k in the bank and a job then I would think about getting a small mortgage and paying off a house. Spend your time doing up the house and adding…[Read more]

  • hobartchic replied to the topic why does oversupply cause crashes? in the forum General Property 8 years ago

    Additionally Chinese credit flowing out of China has been reduced with further reductions likely. An estimated quarter to third (depending on news source) of Chinese loans are fraudulent (the house or goods it is based on does not exist). With banks restricting mortgages to overseas buyers the buyer pool is reduced further. A restricted program…[Read more]

  • I would not want a sewer pipe on my land if the owner of the pipe says that I am liable for fixing issues assuming this takes sewerage from other properties. Too risky for my blood. If you do pursue this property then the price paid should reflect the risk.

  • hobartchic replied to the topic Sell to invest? Reconcile the numbers…? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    You figures stack up to a loss. I would stay in my house, pay it off, save some money in super and cash and look to retire and save up for some trips/ time off in between. It’s fine to put your home on the line when you are well, and employed. What happens if you lose your job, or find yourself disabled, or unwell? What happens if you can not…[Read more]

  • hobartchic became a registered member 10 years ago
