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  • Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    I read that 4 Million + will be spent in Queenstown to up grade Electricity to the Mine and surround. Is this more signs that this town is waking up?[inquisitive]

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Hi, builders…. such a builders paradise in Hobart with more work than they can handle. At least a 6 month wait for a builder to start and a guess when your house would be finished? can you afford the payments and rent while you wait. Hobart is such a crazy place now, I live here and I am still trying to sought it all out,

    good luck[build]

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    the west coast….example Queenstown. The last frontier of dirt cheap housing. no bank, no rental managers. The town died but lately showing signs of comming alive. Most high paid miners travel home rather than stay on the west coast.However mining jobs are being advertised. A major tourist operator opened a Hospitality training centre in Stahan.Works up grades etc. A main street Hotel that was shut downed was just sold for 180K. Could this town be brought back to life???? you know it is all the Mainlanders spending in Tassie ,so keep up the good work [brave]

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Thank-you for doing the figures.
    It would be nice to have positve cash flow this time around thou capital gains is where we made our money.
    So I will look again at cash on cash return in the book and also look more into capital gains areas.
    One house in (? secret) would be where I will look into and the other ( an offer worth looking more into.
    I have just only begun[buz2]

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Is to positve gear 1 property enough reason to go ahead and purchase [baaa]

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    [drummer]Good question

    Profile photo of HobartHobart
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Hello Kaleb,
    New and learning and sort of in the same situation. Curiosity …..what did you finally decide?
    Cheers Michelle? [chef]

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