Forum Replies Created
There many many that figured out that it’s less cost to rent versus buying.
You’ll have approx $250K with no CGT.Great to start a pos portfolio.
Of course u could use the equity in your PPOR if u didn’t sell.
I believe that u need to assess the situation of your home in terms of appreciation / depreciation
and the market of your target areas. Factor in sell and purchase costs too. hope this helps.hrm
Hi What a daughter: one who saves $150 pw ( I have two kids: a son almost 21 and a great saver who will be settleing on his 2 nd. IP in a couple of weeks, and a 18 yo daughter who finds its very difficult to save a dollar(too many clubs to see).
I would recommend that your daughter do the following:
1. Deposit her savings into Macquarie. ING for better interest approx 5%. then
2. Get a copy of Robert Kiosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad” to start her education (you could get a loan copy from your local libary for free),
and take it from there. Goodluck.
Great info.very interesting
Would u be able to provide some real figures etc.
Hi Steve,
This has probably been covered but I would like to something on: When To Sell/ Not To Sell
How to evaluate an IP after you have owned for a period of time taking into consideration:
how much equity u have;
cash on cash return;
if it has dropped in value, should I sell, or should I hold ;
and the temperature of the market at the time.
etc.Also, The pros and cons of claiming non-cash deductions ie Depreciation.
Many thanks for and regards,
I think u were on the right track: go buy aPPOR and use the FHOG.
Stockmarket: very easy to get into, very easy to do your hard earned money, very easy to take afew $ out for whatever, and very hard to save again.
Buy your PPOR and no doubt it will be _ve cash flow however, maybe rent out a room or two;improve / add value; over time it will appreciate; revalue then borough against the equity for the next property.
Make the move, get off the fence, and best wishes for the future.
Hi Pasandbec,
Just read your other post on your work mate.
I think you should do the written complaint to the Big Boss. Nobody should have to put up such an aaaaaaaaaa.
You could nominate for Union Rep to get some extra income too!!!
Don’t let this bully get you down just borrow his tools (without asking) next time!![biggrin]. Good luck.
I like the idea of doing extra work for $, and it keeps you away from shops etc so you spend less, hopefully.
Do some reno work eh, then why not do some reno stuff or handyperson jobs for cash in hand!
I remember my first PPOR, I worked full time, had a part time job three nights a week plus was going to night school 2 nights, plus doing some small house repairs. Time appeared to go so quickly and after a year and a half we had gained sufficient savings for a deposit on our first IP.
You can do it !!!!!!!!
Hi Colobok,
Started writing a responce but there are too many senarios..Mr. MR and Mrs , Company , Trust etc.and what state.
The quicked answer would be to contact your conveyancor or solisitor.
Hi All,
A minor issue to assist with cash flow could be depreciation, how much depreciation could you find on a$1.3M proprty? Mostlikely a heap more that #4,300 per year.
It’s great that your sons want to buy property.
I understang your fears of putting your home on the line. Maybe the sons could get aloan from another lender,, maybe they should see a finance broker or maybe they need to save some more before they can get aloan, maybe the parents could give a grant of some $.
Hope you find a solution, good luck.
Hi Dazz,
I guess we are on first name basis, great.
Yes just had alook at “Tell a Tale”. Never had / made time to read these, I will make time in the future.
Your posts are inspiring (without p155 ing in your pocket) great stuff, the reson that i have not ventured further into CPIs is, I guess lack or knowledge and guts.
I would like to learn more so I’ll be followimg your posts in this section.look forward to more good stuff, see ya and regards.
Hi Dazz,
No, I’m not offended.(****%%%$##)
No, not a legal person nor nit picker.
Jusst here to learn and hopefully give some advice when and where I can.
I guess I’ll have to get used to your unique style and tone.
I do find some of your posts informative and ammusing at times.[biggrin]
Now about my CIP.
Bought a factory in 2000 at Mornington Vic for $225K; current rent xGST is $2360 pm; current mort$165K. Interest cost approx $960 pm; all outgoings paid by tennent. Allup purchase cost say $240K, Cash on Cash Return= $75k (total outlay)/ rent – interest (1400 x 12) = $16.8K rent pa = 22.4%.
Never been vacant……..would love a few more.Hey Dazz,
Howabout sharing some details on your best and/ or worst CIPs.
Hi All,
I have bought 3 residential props and 2 retirement units using Barter $ as deposits.
From my experience alot of Bartercard properties appear to be very very expensive. You need to get your own vals.
I am a trader of Barter $ thru my business (automotive) to purchase goods (at top price) but I also get extra jobs for top dollar. I find that Barter has helped my business and property investing.
Also, I use barter $ for all property legal matters.
Using Barter $ for a deposit is a great way to get into property investing and when you sell you get cash back for your Trade $..For the 2 retirement units I had insufficient Trade $ so they gave an interest free loan of what I needed ($50K Trade). no fees, no time limit on when I pay back.
There are several Barter mobs, Bartercard, Ebanc Trade, BBX (about to be listed on the ASX) to mention a few. Bartercard is listed on the London Stock exchange.
Yes I have heard that u can purchase Trade $ for low cost but this is frowed upon by the Trade Exchanges.
My thoughts are that as the going gets tougher there will be more Barter deals around at reasonable prices.[biggrin]
PS You can check out their property listings on their web sites
Hi Dazzaling,
Don’t be confused.
No. Not saying ALL non resi stuff is too good to be true.
No I’m not beating my head against a wall.
Surely you would agree that $730 / week for a low $200K property is an incredible return (almost 17 percent for $225K)for residential, or for any property.
My reply was not intended to offend others. It was merely to make a comment about the amazing return. I can’t see what I have done to upset you so much.
PS. I do have one commercial bought 5 years ago. At that time it returned 10%. Now thru rent increases it returns almost 13%.
Starting a new job in a he’s still at the old job, then:
Do u need to tell the lenders that he is moving jobs?
I’m renovating at the moment, almost finished. we are rendering the old brick look a like.
It looks sensational, clean lines, fresh modern colour. Cost is not cheap about $50 a sq m.Good tip provided by G7, colour is very important. Ring around the local paint shops to see if they have any deals going for a colour consultant and discount off your purchases. At Bristol in Melbourne I got a consultant for $75 and a 15 % discound off the paints she recommemnded.
It sounds too good to be true. Must be non residential.
Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.
How would you feel if your landlord was to hit you with a 15% increase.
Perhaps the tennant has been getting cheap rent.
Terry’s suggestion appears fair 7.5% now and 7.5% in 6 months or something similar.
If they are a low maintenance tennent (i.e. minimal maintenance costs) then I would make the increase as low as possible.
These are my thoughts.hope it helps.
Hi Camma_20,
You said:
One option i did think about was buying a house to live in and renovate at the same time.
Great way to start. You have say $10K, plus if you are eligible for the FHOG ($7K from Jonnie and $5K from Braxie) gives you a total of $22K.. You also need funds for Stamp Duty and conveyancing costs.You’ll need a few more $K to purchase for $100K without mortage insurance.
I note that u are 22 yo, perhaps Mum or Dad could assist by being co borrowers to see you across the line. ( I did similar for my son now 20 yo and buying his second IP at the moment)
Then when you find someting suitable u could rent out the other rooms to you mates while renovating.
I think you would learn heaps more this way that just buying and holding. Exposure to renovating, dealing with tennants, managing cash flow, etc.
Good Luck please keep us informed of your decisions and progress.
You could ring around to a few agents posing as a tennent to find out demand ,rents etc.