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  • hmackay replied to the topic OTP Townhouses – Noble Park in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago

    Chris Units, apartments, townhouses etc rely on property prices increasing. From my experience (30 years) these types of properties appreciate very slowly compared to houses unless they have something unique ie near the beach, large size rooms, large private open space, etc. But they are generally less effort to manage.
    Buying a house with land…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic Deals in Malaysia? anyone….. in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years ago

    From my limited observations property prices have not seen the escalations similar to Aust. Appartments and condo living is very common in KL and Penang and prices have risen marginally.  I think props with land have the greatest potential to rise.However,  t he Malaysian gov introduced the Malaysia my second home scheme to encourage for…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic Sell to move on from a loss in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Perhaps u need to decrease the cash required. Have u considered:depreciation, increasing the rent, decreasing other costs, refinancing.

    The thought of loosing $15K would hurt, but as you said the unit is in a relatively good capitol growth area so u need time to increase the value.


  • hmackay replied to the topic i am confused… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Outgoings are rates, insurance, water, body corporate ie. all the thing u normally pay with residental.

    u need to check out the lease to make sure they are paid by the tennat.

    As the prop is a going concern (has a tennant), my understanding is that GST is not applicable for the purchase. If u are registerd for GST ( u must register if…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic whats wrong with dazzling in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    “Dazzling” a new perfume so says my wife and it’s not gross!!!


  • hmackay replied to the topic first & investment home advice in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi David,

    I think that you have half of the formula: you’ve worked out what prices the house configurations could fetch….why not use the same source to get unit prices, ( or talk to local REs) then

    Go see the local council and see if dual occ is feasible.


  • hmackay replied to the topic who owns the property in Victoria in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    I think u can get the info from the State Revenue Office under Vic Gov web site. U can get a copy of title for a fee (less than $30 i think)from their website. U could have the info in minutes.

    Good luck.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Defence Housing Australia in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hi Karlm,

    Do a search on this forum, you’ll find some threads on DHA.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Investing interstate in the forum General Property 19 years ago


    I understand your concerns when buying some distance away. I have bought several properties sight unseen by using people I can trust: people who live near by, RE agents, building inspectors, etc, or recommendations from friends or people on this forum.

    A good property manager is essential for sound sleeping at nite.


  • hmackay replied to the topic westend units in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi Loanwolf,

    You could search the RE sites on the net to give you prices of whats for sale, and some RE sites show past sales info too. You could do this for one and two bedders.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Queensland buying in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Have you considered units in the Brisbane CBD. I think there may be some good buys.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Selling My Principal Place Of Residency in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago


    Cool looking house.

    From the pics it would appear the the garage was converted in to the flat!

    I would convert the flat back to a garage if possible and give the place a good lick of paint. This should be less than $10K, and
    for a modern look what about rendering the front?

    Other option: do the garage and lick of paint and possibly…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic Furnished short term apartments? in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hi Celevia,

    I have a dual key unit in Spring Hill, Brisbane. A dual key unit is basically two studio appartments with their own front door. I bought them as apair.

    These unit were targeted for corporate customers on short leases. They are fully furnished. I purchased them for $330K, and they rent for $280 each per week.

    Over the two years of…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic Domain homealert in the forum General Property 19 years ago


    I too get regular alerts from Domain and others.

    I have noted lately that they are using emotive (e.g realisation sale etc.)words to get our attention.

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with the word liquidation.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Have I done enough to call it a day in the desert. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Bradshaw,

    I think you and the wlfe are in a fantastic financial position.

    Your super payments from 2011 looks great and you will have substantial equity in your properties too.

    I concur with KP’s comments.

    I would suggest that you seek advice from some Financial Advisors.

    Good luck.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Depreciation in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Hi Skyboy,

    I’m one for claiming all the depreciation I can.

    This helps the cash flow but when you sell the amount of depreciation claimed on the property over the years is deducted from the original purchase costs to give your base cost for CGT calculations.

    I think its better to take the deductions when you can (now) as the rules could change…[Read more]

  • Hi,

    I had a creative tennant in my Maribyrong townhouse who attempted to convert the tandem garage into a bedroom.

    Checked with local council who advide that it’s a no no due to building regs, insurance etc.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Looking after the tenant in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I agree that we should look after the tennant.

    They are the backbones of our investments same as employees at work.

    I treat all people as equals till they prove differently , no matter their colour, race , religion etc just like my staffie (he will lick anyone to death).

    There will always be some scum bags around but they are a very small…[Read more]

  • hmackay replied to the topic UnInterested Buyers in the forum General Property 19 years ago


    You have received several suggestions for the first property, but your responces do not appear to have covered any suggestions given, and

    NOW you are jumping to another fire!!

    No wonder you haven’t received any responces to your latest post.

    We are here to help, but you gotta help yourself.


  • hmackay replied to the topic Remote Garage Door in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Originally posted by ozsparky200319117:
    Hi Mortgage Hunter

    I don’t think hmckay realises his wife & kids are a needless luxury! LOL



    I could be offended by the above.

    Could you please expalain what you mean?


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