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  • considered private lending? solicitors funds?

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic Reasonable assets, but where to start?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    paramount group, they are also the property managers.Yes its their responsibility to ensure the tenants is eligble and maintains their eligibilty.In Tas 20% is the rent reduction

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic Reasonable assets, but where to start?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    When one hears affordable housing the perception is poor quality houses, located in out of the way places that only  scary people will rent. This is definetly not the case in Tas. in fact the homes Ive bought  are built to a much higher std than other investment property I have seen- double glazed, heat pump hot water, universal design, etc etc .I…[Read more]

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic Reasonable assets, but where to start?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    suppose it depends on what you feel you need as a return Ive done renos, subdivision, and while some have been spectaculary profitable i cant ever remeber buying with such certainity  nras homes especially in tassie because its effectively enough passive income!!! that ones doesnt have to stress about the uncertainity of havingto do renos s…[Read more]

  • try nras homes in tassie they oiffer 7-8% rental returns,  capital growth was highest in past decade of all cities in australiai bought 2 units $470k so cheap entry

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic Is Mildura a good spot for an Investment property in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    for what its worth Ive stumbled into Tassie.I bought 2x 2 bed units for $475k returns $700 nett (most of this is tax free) . Its under the nras scheme. Residex forecats capital growth of 6% while this may appear to be conservative Ive seen concistently 10% plus over the past 5 years.  There was a recent article in paper says hobart had highest ca…[Read more]

  • hi rob your stuff sounds greatwhen u say freehold title presume this means purchaser just buys house as per normal?What security does purchaser get to ensure they get the nras incentive for the next 10 years?Presume property owner signs document that allows approved property manager to have access 

  • Ive bought in tas.The fed govt has opened up some great opportunities in Tassie and the entry level is cheap starting from $240k.I paid $440k for 2x 2 bed duplex (brand new) which has gross return of $1,070 pw and govt guarntees portion of rent for 10 years!!  For $240k I can buy a 2 bed home that has gross return of $539 pw again with fed gov…[Read more]

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum nras properties were 15 years ago

    nras properties were approved by the fed govt in cosultation with the state govt under rounds 1 and 2.The feds changed the scheme so that in round 3 they only want applications of 1,000 (or more) dwellings or receive applications from not for profit organisations.i just bought nras home in tassie for $425,000 that returns $511 per week. an…[Read more]

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    BTW I think learning financial intelligence and stop giving money to the poor is a MUST!!! 

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    Unfortunately whether we agree or not the Govt has already decided to use tax payer money to make rental housing more affordable to low to middle class Australians.  We can debate forever whether a future govt might or might not remove the subsidy. The real issue is something has to be done, the Govt thinks ( rightly or wrongly) this will assist a…[Read more]

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic WHAT’S AROUND?? in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    7.6% on $250k purchase price in  Hobart Tassie

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum General Property 16 years ago

    the nras homes in tassie ive seen are first rate quality close to services and offering 7% plus returns. I dont know about other states but I think the opportunity of getting a guarantee from the govt in return for giving up 20% of rent  is a no brainer.  

  • hewlett25 replied to the topic NRAS Investments in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    I just bought a property in Tas with an NRAS incentives. The return is $415 per week ( including NRAS of $167 pw) for a $290,000 investment. Does anyone know how to calculate what the tax free incentive is worth in gross $$
