here to learn replied to the topic Wagga Wagga in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Glendfield park does look good and with big blocks but is it too far out of the main town and infrastructure.
here to learn replied to the topic Wagga Wagga in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
thanks Jamie it's a bit hard to reno from afar but at least I can depreciate the work someone else has done. I'm more after which areas to buy in as I don't want something that may flood or be away from infrastructure.
here to learn replied to the topic Wagga Wagga in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
because I am living in Vic, I don't want any thing that needs work. I prefer something renovated in good condition,preferably on a large block that could possibly be subdivided at a later stage. Cash flow neutral to positive.
here to learn replied to the topic Wagga Wagga in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
thanks Jamie we will be in Wagga next couple of weeks but was hoping for some information before we get there to actually look, as we will be a little time poor.
here to learn replied to the topic How to estimate current property value in the forum look at recent similar sales 17 years ago
look at recent similar sales close by not for sale but actual sales what suburb are you in
here to learn replied to the topic Advice for FIrst Home Buyer in Vic in the forum General Property 18 years ago
what about buying an investment. keep living with parents for another year and saving like crazy then use the equity and savings to purchase your own place. you will still get the first home owners grant for your own place as your first purchase would be an investment. just food for thought
here to learn replied to the topic Property Hotspotting in the forum General Property 18 years ago
about $70
here to learn replied to the topic Tenant Refusing Access When Selling IP in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
the other thing to remember to is if someone is interested in your property as an investment they are not going to keep uncoperative tenants so they are not doing themselves any favours
here to learn replied to the topic How to calculate building costs for depreciation in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
good question i asked my quantity surveyor this last time i spoke to her. she said deduct the land value (this is on rates notice)off the purchase price multiply by 2.5% to get the capital allowances.bit hard if you haven't got the section 32. estimate the value of plant (fittings and fixtures as new) and depreciate over life. not very a…[Read more]
here to learn replied to the topic Where are the best returns in Sth East QLD in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
you can do what you like. i have had agents tell me the same thing and i insist they put it up in small amounts regulary or if change of tenant $10 – $15 depending on what i think i can get. check out what else is available and at what price . you would think agents would like to put rent up as their commision goes up.
here to learn replied to the topic Working out rental yield and after tax cashflow? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
yeah i thought so and so easy to use
here to learn replied to the topic depreciation on a reno job in the forum General Property 18 years ago
you certainly can on fittings and fixtures but not the building unless there have been any additions as terryw said call a quantity surveyor this is also tax deductable. i have recently used depro and have been happy with them it cost around $500
here to learn replied to the topic Working out rental yield and after tax cashflow? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
margaret lomas has free software you can download which is easy to use. you just fill in the figures and it works it out for you. you will need a bar code from one of her books though to access. librarys have copies of her books if you don't want to purchase one.
here to learn replied to the topic Banks want our buissness! not mine in the forum General Property 18 years ago
we got a .8 discount to 7.52 (loc) including the recent interest rate rise. we bought across another 4 propertys to colonial to give us this bargaining power. westpac said they would have done the same when they rang us after getting the discharge papers. but i told them we had asked and we were told they could't match it. the manager at that b…[Read more]
here to learn replied to the topic Landlord’s insurance in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years ago
i have insurance with aami and cgu aami are cheaper but i've never made a claim so i don't know how good they are i have had 4 claims with cgu and have been reasonably happy. the assesor that came out recently works for cgu racv and alliance she told me that cgu were the best out of the 3 and that racv and alliance wouldn't have passed some of…[Read more]
here to learn replied to the topic Margaret Lomas / Destiny Solutions in the forum Finance 18 years ago
APerry wrote:
Hi Debra,If you are using lo docs please, for your own sake, don't cross your loans. It will cost you significantly in terms of mortgage insurance.RegardsAlistairhi alistair no mortgage insurance only do that if desperate and the end result justifys
here to learn replied to the topic Margaret Lomas / Destiny Solutions in the forum Finance 18 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Dont want to put the dampner on your interest rate of 7.28% but it is incorrect. Might want to be checking those loans docs again. And as Alistair stated doing on lodoc is financial suicide.In saying that of course they would have explained that to you.checked my low doc loan documents and i was wrong they clearly state my…[Read more]
here to learn replied to the topic 1 bedda or 2 bedda for my situation? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
i'd go 1 bedder rather than tacky 2 bedder which would you rather rent if you were a tenant
here to learn replied to the topic what to ask the bank manager…….. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
i think i would be going to a mortgage broker for advice on what bank would suit your situation.
here to learn replied to the topic Tenant Data Bases in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
i thought i would pay the 8% and save headaches with painfull tenants. i had my agent do an inspection in late feb. told me everything was good grounds neat and tidy. in april we took tenants to tribunal once again for non payment of rent. had locks changed and to our horror found the place a mess. our backyard had 525 tyres of different sizes not…[Read more]
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