Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
You're most welcome Dan!I can't seem to go back and edit that bit about the ATO.The explaination was for Qlds007 since one of his earlier statements seemed to imply Kevin has changed his name a few times. Or did I misread that?And to make your day even brighter, Brad Pitt's name is actually William Pitt. Brad is his middle name, but it seems B…[Read more]
Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Dan42 wrote:
This absolutely cracked me up. I'm actually thinking of chaging my name to Brad Pitt, to help me with the ladies.Interesting you mention "ladies" because a marketer by the name of Eban Pagan operates under the psuedonym "David Deangelo" to market his products and seminars focused on attracting women. But more a famous example…[Read more]
Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Ask Kevin Young or Sampe whatever name he is using these days when you meet him.He changed his surname to "Young" because it's a more marketable name than Sempe, but I suppose people without a marketing background wouldn't understand this. Nonetheless, both Kevin's sons retain the name Sempe and its not it something they're…[Read more]
Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Property Guru wrote:
If you have not been to the annual conference, the one for 2010 is on the Gold Coast, you should try and get yourself there, then you will understand that it is a club, everyone is there helping others with issues, giving ideas about what they have done to get to the next stage etc…I don't need convincing that TIC is a…[Read more]
Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi Property Guru,Thanks for responding!I've met Kevin Young before and will be meeting him again in a couple of weeks time at the annual social event my local support members throw each year. My questions were aimed at those who disagree TIC is a club or those who have purchased through TIC and have had a negative experience. It seems only the…[Read more]
Henry Jones replied to the topic “THE INVESTORS CLUB” ANYONE HEARD OF THEM OR KNOW WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
I’m in my twenties and not quite ready to invest in property but I’m putting in a solid effort to learn how it’s done and TIC stood out because it offers buyers umpteen free services. I’ve been to several TIC meetings but I’ve arrived at this forum as part of my due diligence. They seem great but having never bought a property through them…[Read more]