helin16 started the topic Buying a carpark. in the forum Commercial Property 10 years ago
I have come across the sale of car parking spots in Melbourne for $37,000 which offer a 7.5% NET. locked in for 3 years.
Has anyone ventured in the car parking spots? if so, what do you need to look out for? is it a wise investment? what is the capital growth like (as the net return sounds quite good)?
Do you really owns that property? is there…[Read more]
helin16 replied to the topic Need a good accountant in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Thanks Jamie!
I am in Eastern Metro of Melbourne
helin16 replied to the topic TRUSTS??? in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
Thanks a lot for the prompt reply, Terry!
Frankly, I really don’t know why I wanted a trust. It was just my accountant suggesting to me about this, saying it could protect myself and my family assets as such, because I have one child, I could pass my assets to her so and so.
So far, I am trying to buy and hold positive geared properties and…[Read more]
helin16 replied to the topic TRUSTS??? in the forum Legal & Accounting 13 years ago
Same here! I've been suggested to setup a family trust(as I have one child) by my accountant.I've asked around and did some research on the net, it all seems to be a bit confusing for me. There seems to be a few types of trusts around:Family TrustDiscretionary TrustsDiscretionary Family Trust?????Unit trustsHybrid TrustsI've a couple of negative…[Read more]
helin16 replied to the topic Property Investors Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Thanks a lot!what's the difference between PIT and family trust? as a unit trust, won't that be harder to sale or buy any units, comparied to family trust?Cheers!
helin16 replied to the topic section 15/15 ? in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years ago
thanks a lot, mate!the explanation is loud and clear!Cheers!