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  • hector1534 replied to the topic Property develpment ideas for cashed up novice in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 9 months ago

    Simon C wrote:
    Case by case with the rent. Look at the market and comparable properties or discuss with current tenant to understand their circumstances. My tenant acually like to mow the extra grass as it keeps them fit. They are even continuing to do so, so I intend to send them a voucher as thanks.

    I would send them to my house… all the…[Read more]

  • hector1534 replied to the topic Property develpment ideas for cashed up novice in the forum Value Adding 12 years, 9 months ago

    alfrescodining wrote:

    Simon C wrote:
    If the house on the land you have subdivided has a tenant, and then you reduce the size of the land through subdivision, is it normal for a lower weekly rent to be negotiated? And how would this happen?

    I had a subdivision in Adelaide, and I expected the tenants to ask for discount as they just lost…[Read more]


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