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  • heathers replied to the topic Who’s doin’ what in 2011? in the forum Forum Frolic 13 years, 11 months ago

    The plan for this year…….

    1. Irrigate our last IP(5acres) to increase equity hopefully in the realm of 160k.
    2. Start shopping around September for IP 3, four* and 5, with LVR less than 80%
    3. Be eventing at 80cm on my new horse by the end of the year
    Four. Lose 3-5kg for good AND
    5. Go on a proper holiday!

    6. * Get number four on…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Dymphna Boholt real estate investiment course in the forum Heads Up! 14 years, 7 months ago

    Because you are double clicking them. You can delete one.

    In answer to your post, I believe the beauty of becoming wealthy and not needing to work allows you to help others, whether it be by volunteering for various charities or sharing your experience and wisdom, in this case helping people create their own wealth.
    I respect your opinion in…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic RTC vs. the current housing crisis. in the forum I was only a whipper snapper 14 years, 7 months ago

    I was only a whipper snapper back then so what’s RTC?

  • heathers replied to the topic The Climate is changing in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 7 months ago

    There was an article in todays west australian that they have conclusive proof that temperatures are rising. They even have data from sea temps, arctic ice levels and atmospheric temps.
    So who still wants to keep they’re head in the sand? At least Labor are trying to do something about it, albeit the most awkward, disorganised and expensive way possible!

  • heathers replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 14 years, 7 months ago

    How would you suggest someone wanting to become a broker get started? Obviously the Cert IV, but then where?
    Who do think would be the most suitable mentor, and what other courses could one do to learn more about legal and accounting issues?
    Would a uni degree in finance make one more equipped to offer advice in mortgage broking, or simply time in…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 7 months ago

    Morangup, 63km east of Perth in the glorious hills!

  • heathers replied to the topic Suggest books in the forum General Property 14 years, 7 months ago

    The Property Puzzle: covers some complex issues re tax, trusts, finance etc
    Micheal Yardney’s books cover the basics pro capital gains in inner cities
    Margaret lomas’ books are easy reading pro positive cash flow properties
    Start with these but any book on property investing is worth it, and don’t forget you can get them from the library for…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic LOC for maintainence and repayment surplus in the forum Finance 14 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for that ! *Running out door to check loan contracts!*

  • heathers replied to the topic LOC for maintainence and repayment surplus in the forum Finance 14 years, 7 months ago

    Terry can you please clarify this for me.
    I was under the impression that using funds from an LOC for another property doesn’t mean they are crossed.
    Crossed is when you use some of the equity to bump up LVR on new property.
    Is this correct?

  • heathers replied to the topic Mortgage broker in the forum Finance 14 years, 7 months ago

    Just out of interest, how do you become a mortgage broker? And Richard where would the 5 years in the industry be involved?
    Is there a uni degree or tafe course on offer?

  • heathers replied to the topic hi new member in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    Matt… you’re a gem….
    James, you have time on your side so I would start by educating yourself,….and you don’t have to pay $$$! A library card and a subscription to Oz Prop Investor mag is a great start, and learn from those who went before you! If you don’t know anyone personally(as I didn’t), networking groups is the way to find them(as…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic abc financial group in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    We really need an AGREE button next to Mr Angry face don’t we?

  • heathers replied to the topic Advice regarding sworn valuation in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    Or if you can spare the cash, get both to do one then you can pick the higher value.

  • heathers replied to the topic Lots of questions in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    High rental yield is not a bad thing, but it is usually only possible in areas where capital growth is not so good. If you have found a place with HRY and good capital growth, well done!
    The reason people use interest only loans is to free up cash flow. As you get into IP 2 and 3, cashflow will tighten so every little bit counts! Also principle…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Depreciation – Conflicting Advice – who to call/recommend in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    nitrodrops wrote:

    heathers wrote: 330 for depreciation schedule, visited the property. Excellent, prompt and professional service!

    Tax Depreciation Schedules from dfg$330      Building Handover Inspections from   fgd$325      Combine both for $650 Based on the website, it mentions $330 for Tax Depreciati…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Is now the right time to buy a house and land package in WA? in the forum General Property 14 years, 8 months ago

    I think some first home buyers are experiencing mortgage stress as interest rates have gone up, so a great time to enter the bottom end of the market. And because there is so much available vendors are a bit desperate. I looked at a property a few weeks ago and flippantly told the RE agent it was over priced and it was advertised 21k cheaper…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Is now the right time to buy a house and land package in WA? in the forum General Property 14 years, 8 months ago

    Personally, and I’m no expert or even close, I believe the super profits tax kerfuffle has affected the real estate and business markets. Confidence has plummeted as we all know WA is hugely influenced by the resources industry. Twiggy’s tantrum will pay off though, as it will lead to negotiations for a win/win situation. I work in the mining…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Cross Collaterisation in the forum Finance 14 years, 8 months ago

    Banker wrote:
    Terry is right that there are downsides to cross collateralisation. There are benefits though – albiet most people here don’t agree with me.

    Forgeting about cc and focusing on the split banking issue.

    A bit contentious coming from a banker.

    I’ve heard the term “free and floating charge” , does that relate here? I’d…[Read more]

  • heathers replied to the topic Sharing Tips- in the forum General Property 14 years, 9 months ago

    Ebay is a fantastic place to buy second hand property investment books and courses at a fraction of their cost!

  • heathers replied to the topic Too late to invest in Melbourne? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 9 months ago

    Another reason we want to buy in Sydney or Melbourne is so the tax man will buy us a trip there each year! (We’re in Perth).
    Does anyone else have any advice?
    Thanks : )

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